Chapter 11

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Morning arrived and the sun started rising again. (Y/N) woke up and saw that Ollie and Mel are snuggling close to him by both of his sides. He kissed both of their foreheads and tried to get out of bed without waking them up.

He then waked downstairs and walked to the kitchen to prepare food for breakfast. He made pancakes, eggs, bacon and fried rice then he set the table up waiting for the girls to come down.

He saw both Ollie and Mel coming downstairs and he smiled at them because of their silly morning looks.

Both girls turned red and embarrassed and ran back upstairs to fix themselves before coming back and sitting at the table.

"Ohayo (Y/N)-kun!!!!" Ollie greeted him with a bright smile on her face.

"Onii-chan ohayoooo!!!" Mel also greeted him. He coughed and turned his head away embarrassed while he took a peak of both of them.

"Faqing cute..." he says in his thoughts.

"Good morning to you 2 aswell. Let's eat!" he tried to remove his embarrassed face.

"Itadakimasu!!" They all said their prayers and started eating.

A few minutes later

"So Mel what are you planning to do today?" (Y/N) asked Mel. Her eyes widened after he asked that question.

"I forgot that I have a collab with Matsuri-chan later!! I'll be going now onii-chan!!! See you later!!!." She got up the table and kissed (Y/N)'S cheek.

"Eh?...." He was surprised at the sudden action of his sister. He then looked at Ollie who was looking at him with a pout.

"What's the problem?" He asked her.

"Nothing!! Hmph.." Ollie retorted before going back to eating. (Y/N) just chuckled and pat Ollie's head which she turned embarrassed but did not refuse it.

"We're coming back to the building today. We need to meet your gen mates and i need to learn how to manage talents from the other managers. After we get home I'll start teaching you the things you need to know." (Y/N) says.

"OOHH???!!! YES!!!!" Ollie forgot that she was angry at him earlier and he just sweatdropped and decided to finish eating.

After a few minutes they finished eating and (Y/N) told Ollie to take a bath while he wash the dishes. Ollie then came out the bathroom and quickly came up the stairs to change at the bedroom. He then took a bath next. They then got out of the house and made their way to the hololive building.

A few minutes later

They entered the building and they saw Yagoo talking with A-chan.

"Good morning yagoo-San" (Y/N) waved.

"Morning!!!!!!" Ollie greets them with so much energy.

"Good morning to you 2 aswell. Are you alright? Yesterday was pretty tough." Yagoo asked them.

"We're fine!!!! Thanks to (Y/N)-kun here!!!" Ollie said while she hugs (Y/N)'S arm. Yagoo whistled and A-chan smiled.

"Umm Ollie?" (Y/N) was feeling heat in his cheeks.

"Huh?...... AHH!!" She realized that she was hugging (Y/N)'s arm so she quickly seperate and looked down with smoke coming out of her head due to intense blushing.

Yagoo and A-chan were just giggling while the 2 undead blushed. Yagoo then cleared his throat and informed them.

"Anyways. Ollie your new gen mates are waiting at the Idol room. Please get along. And (Y/N) go meet Enma at the staff room.

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