Chapter 27

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"I can't leave you like that Mel..." (Y/N) said with a worried face.

Currenly (Y/N) is sitting at a chair against Mel's bed where she laid down covered in blanket and with a towel on her forehead.

"*cough* *cough* I-I'm really okay Onii-chan, you should go to the HQ now. The others are w-waiting for you right? *cough*" Mel replied to (Y/N) weakly.

"That's right (Y/N)!!!, I don't have a stream til evening so you can leave Mel to my care!!" Ollie puffed her out her chest proudly.


"O-Onii-chan im really okay i promise!!" Mel assured (Y/N) quickly when he saw his guilty face.

"*sigh* Fine, I'll bring you home dinner so what do you two want?" He asked both Mel and Ollie.

" OOOOOOOH I WANT-" Ollie tried to say something but got cut off by Mel.

"Your home cooking is the best Onii-chan!!!" Mel said with a cute smile.


"His cooking is the best, ne Ollie-chan?" Mel smiled with a red and murderous aura coming out from behind her.

"YES MAAM!!!!"

"Heh, alright you don't need to do that. I'll cook something delicious when i get back" (Y/N) smiled and started to pat Mel's head.

"Nyehehehehe~" Mel enjoyed the feeling while Ollie stood on the side with a pouting face.

"Don't get jealous Ollie, here have some too." He snickered seeing Ollie's pouting face and started to pat her aswell.

"Haaaaa~" Ollie smiled brightly.

"Alright, be good girls and take care of the house for me okay?" (Y/N) said while walking to the door.

"ROGER THAT CAPTAIN!!!" Mel and Ollie shouted.

(Y/N) then got out of the house and started walking to the Hololive HQ Building.

As he got inside the building he heard someone called his name immediatly.

"(Y/N)!!!" He turned his head and saw A-Chan waving at him beside a door"

"Yo, Yuujin." He waved back

"P-Please call me A-Chan, how are you (Y/N)" She asked him.

"I'm alright, although Mel is sick back at the house."

"I've heard about that.... please send my get well wishes to her when you go home later." She said.

"Will do." (Y/N) replied.

"Thank you, Oh i almost forgot!! Please follow me" A-chan told.

(Y/N) followed A-Chan to the room beside them. 

He got inside and saw 3 beds and some people inside.

"Nice to see you everyone." (Y/N) greeted the people inside.

"Yo (Y/N)!!" Yagoo greeted him.

"Hello!!!!" Amelia waved.

Botan just nodded.

"Welcome (Y/N) darling~" Choco-sensei tried teasing him but those doesn't work on (Y/N).

"Hmph, you're no fun." She pouted.

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