Chapter 18

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(Y/N) and Ollie were walking back home after they paid a visit on a Anti facility with ASS.

"So how was it?" (Y/N) asked Ollie while he puts both of his hands at the back of his head.

"It was nerve racking to fight. But i atleast was strong enough to stand up to them. But honestly? That was fun!!" Ollie giggled while (Y/N) just smiled but then it turned into a frown.

"Is something the matter?" Ollie tilted her head in confusion. (Y/N) shooked his head.

"No. Everything's fine."

"As you say sooooo." They proceed to walk home as (Y/N)'s mind was remembering Geru's words.


"ARRGHHH!!!" Geru spat some saliva when he received a punch to the gut.

"Now one more time.....where's your main base?" Coco asked him while she sits at a chair in front of Geru.

"L-Like hell i'll tell you!!!. Go rot in hell weird bastards!!!" Geru glared at Coco but stopped when heard Suisei sharpening her axe.

"Ara~ It seems someone needs some more pain...." Suisei licked her lips.

"S-Senpai ain't that too much?!?!" Ollie panicked when she saw Suisei about to cut Geru's arm.

"Well i guess.... i'll leave the interrogating to you Coco-chan." Suisei came back to her normal self and walked away to help Botan and Noel tie up the remaining alive acquaintances of Geru.

"Hahahaha!!! Interesting indeed!!! A zombie with emotions!!!!!. You'll be a very valuable asset to the boss!!." Geru's words irritated (Y/N) so he kicked his face which put out many of Geru's tooth.

" foot slipped. So are you going to spill the beans or no?" He asked menacingly.

"J-Just kill me.....i won't tell you anything." Geru says with broken words because of all of the damage on his face.

"Well. . . . . . . . that's understandable. heard the man." (Y/N) stepped back beside Ollie.

"Oh yeah it's dinner time!!!" Coco grew and transformed into a dragon. She grabbed Geru between her hands and prepared to crunch him in her mouth.

"N-NO NO!!!!! PLEASE NO!!!!!" Geru struggled but his death was inevitable.

(Y/N) covered Ollie's ears and made her close her eyes while Coco was crunching Geru.

Coco swallowed and turned back to her human form.

"Well that tastes bland...." Coco said with disgust as she drinks a water bottle.

"We're pretty much done here so if you want you both can go back home." Coco told them as (Y/N) and Ollie bowed and walked back home.


"Valuable asset huh...." (Y/N) whispered but got cut off when Ollie said something.

"We're here!!!" 

"Well let's go in. You have a stream with Anya and Reine later right?"


They got inside and announced their presence.

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