Chapter 3

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I stared at the girl who seemed to be excited in front of me. I was so shocked that my whole body stopped functioning for a bit. Tears threatening to come out of my eyes as it felt like for the first time a felt my heart beating. I then felt all my senses come back to me as the girl spoke.

"Umm are you okay mister?"

S-She doesn't remember me!?......maybe it's a different person after all. But her appearance really matched Ollie's!!!. The dress!!! the ribbon!! and those eyes!!!. There's no mistaking it she's Ollie!!. But how?! she's dead.... unless she got resurrected by a necromancer....No that can't be the case. She should be a mindless body if a necromancer resurrected her. I resisted the urge to tackle her into a hug and cry then i responded.

"Hmm? Yes im fine. You really just look like someone who's important to me."

"Oh that's cool. But now that you've mentioned it you really look familiar to me aswell hmmm....."
She leaned in closer staring at my face while she holds her chin. Does she finally remember me? It felt like my vampire heart started beating again when she leaned her head close to mine.


She made her mouth a o shape as she started comparing me to the anime character i voice. I chuckled as i saw that even in death she's still the hyper energetic girl i knew. Too bad she doesn't remember me but i swear i'll find some some way to make her remember me... and after that.... i swear i'll tell her that i- A growl in my stomach cut me off as i stopped what i was thinking.

"Haaaa.....i really need to eat first...." i sighed as i forgot that i still need to eat. The girl just starte to giggle but stopped when her stomach growled aswell. She blushed as she shyly turned her head away embarassed. I just chuckled and asked.

"Hey.. do you wan't to grab a bite? You're must be pretty hungry aswell. I know a place where they sell good ramen."

"I-Is it really okay? We just met and you still don't know anything about me."

"It's fine. Anyways im hungry so let's go." i grabbed her hand as she blushed madly and we started walking to the ramen shop. We arrived as we both took a seat. A demihuman girl with grey hair welcomed us as she asked what our order is.

"One tonktotsu ramen please. What about you?" i asked Ollie what her order is.

"Umm i really don't know what ramen is so i'll just have the same as you." she replied

I nodded and told the girl our orders as she started working on our orders.
After a good 5 minutes of simple chatting with Ollie the demihuman girl placed 2 bowls of ramen our table. I clasped my hands paid my respect.

"Itadakimasu." i grabbed the chopsticks and started eating. Ollie just stared at me and confused as she asked

"What is Itadakimasu?" she asked with a cute confused face.

"It means thanks for the food."

"O-Oh okay then..... I-Itadakimasu" she did what i did as she stuttered for a bit which i found cute. She picked up the chopsticks and got confused as she looked at me again.

"Oh i guess you don't know how to use chopsticks then?" she nodded "here" i grabbed her hand as she blushed again like Kureiji(👍) I then postitioned her fingers properly and explained to her how to use the chopsticks. She seemed to get it because she started eating ignoring how hot the noodles is like she doesn't even feel it.

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