Chapter 5

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(Y/N) put his phone in his pocket after talking to someone.

"Araki says it's okay and feel free to use it." He said and whispered something to Yagoo

"Alright i have no objections and I can probably do it in a few days but is that what you want (Y/N)?"

"Yes I'm sure of it"

"Okay just give me a few days and I'll finish the paperwork for it so if you want you can explore the building and familiarize yourselves at the sorroundings. Maybe meet some members so you can go now."

"Thank you Yagoo-san"


"It's no problem. So A-chan do you mind touring our new member around? I just need to talk with (Y/N) for a bit."

A-chan nodded

"Let's go I'll show you around Ollie."

"Alright!!! See you later (Y/N)!!!"

"I'll catch up to you guys."

Ollie and A-chan left the office and Yagoo looked at (Y/N) with a smug face.

"So.... you seem very happy compared to yesterday. Is it because of her? Have you finally found a girlfriend??" Yagoo wiggled his eyebrows as (Y/N) just sighed.

"She's the one Yagoo-san."

"Eh? The one?"


"Ohh!! Isn't she already dead? Wait nevermind it makes sense since she's already a zombie. So how did you meet her? Did you dig her up on her grave?"

"No, I met her on my way into the ramen shop. We ate ramen and I let her sleep at my place since she doesn't have anywhere to go except for the grave. Which it wouldn't really be proper for a girl to sleep in."

(Y/N) looked outside the window office and saw Ollie running around and fangirling to every idol related things she see. (Y/N) unconsciously smiled seeing her hyped up. Yagoo just smiled and decided to tease him again.

" Be careful there (Y/N) she's dead so you might be arrested if you date her."

(Y/N) gained a tick mark at his head as he sighed again.

"It wouldn't matter. I'm a vampire after all so I technically can be counted dead aswell."

"Oh I forgot that." they both chuckled as (Y/N) made his way into the door.

"So is that it?"

"Yeah you can go now. Go join them."


(Y/N) got out of the room and catched up to Ollie and A-chan as Yagoo made his way back to his desk crying at the thought of paperwork. (Y/N) got near Ollie and tapped her shoulder.

"So did you enjoy Ollie?"

"WAAAAHHHHHH!!! DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!!" Ollie screamed as A-chan is just trying to hold her laugh.


"It's okay but yes!! The building is very cool!! We're on our way to meet the staff then we're going to meet the other members!! Wanna come?" Ollie asked


They made their way into the staff lounge as they greeted the normal staff members and some of the talent's managers.

"Hello I'm Enma a manager of the Hololive English Branch. It's nice to meet you."

Enma shook both (Y/N) and Ollie's hand.

"Pleasure. Name's (Y/N) Brando.

" You can call me Kureiji Ollie or just Ollie!!!! "

" You didn't say your full name? " asked (Y/N).

" Nahhh.... I'm tired of saying my full name. It's tiring for meeeee. " Ollie said in a zombie like voice.

(Y/N) just chuckled as he pat Ollie's head as she just blushed again. Enma laughed lightly as she introduced some of her coworkers.

"By the way if you look there" Enma pointed as (Y/N) and Ollie looked at where she is pointing at. They see a tall woman wearing shades hugging A-chan as another woman is trying to pry the tall woman off.

"The tall one is J-chad the manager of our Reaper assistant. The one trying to pry her off is Jenma. She and I are managers of the rest of the EN members."

"I see" (Y/N) and Ollie said while crossing their arms and nodded which they looked at each other and giggled. Enma smiled as she said

"The other managers aren't here yet so there's really nothing much to do here."

"Ok, we're going now it's nice to meet you Enma" (Y/N) said

"Yeahh nice to meet you too!!!!" Ollie said

"Its nice to meet you both aswell" Enma bowed her head then Ollie panicked asking (Y/N) why she was bowing as he told her it's just a sign of respect then she bowed several times intensely aswell.

They both got out of the staff lounge and waited for A-chan to come out. She then came out after a few minutes and apologized to (Y/N) and Ollie and both just shook it off.

They then made their way to the "Idol" 's lounge as they arrived at the door.

A-chan knocked 3 times as they wait for someone to open it. The door opens and a a girl with brown hair with a star shaped pin with a red ribbon on it and wearing blue clothes.

"Hey A-chan!!" the girl hugged A-chan as she hugged back. They then seperate and the girl noticed the 2.

"It's good to meet you again (Y/N)!!!!" the girl rushed at (Y/N) crushing him in a tight hug.

"I-Its good to see you again Sora"This is Tokino Sora the first Idol of hololive." but c-can you please release me?" (Y/N) pleaded and it seem ineffective. He turned his head to Ollie and just saw her pouting looking away while muttering some things.

A-chan sighed and helped him get out of Sora's grip. Sora then giggled then she looked at Ollie.

" I don't believe we'd met before?" she asked. Ollie stopped pouting and introduced herself.

"My name is Kureiji Ollie and I'm going to be the number one zombie ido!!!" Ollie said which the people around her just clapped slowly.

"I believe you can do it!!! By the way I'm Tokino Sora!"

"E-EH?!? TOKINO SORA!?!?!???? I'M SUCH A BIG FAN SENPAI EVEN THOUGH I JUST GOT REVIVED YESTERDAY BUT I'M FREAKING OUT NOW HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA" Ollie laughed loudly which she just received a bonk in the head from (Y/N).

"A-Ah sorry..... Hehehe." she apologized then laughed silently. Both Sora and A-chan giggled as (Y/N) just sighed. Sora then said

"Well let's introduce the new idol to hololive!!!" Sora came inside the lounge and let the 3 inside. Ollie looked excited as she saw the Holomembers(holostarsincluded). She then introduced herself.


They clapped and cheered as they all turned now turned their vision to (Y/N).

"Ehem.." (Y/N) cleared his throat.

"Hello everyone I'm (Y/N) Brando...... but in Hololive you can call me as Dio Brando." He said with Dio's voice.

He then turned to Ollie and said in a menacing voice.

"I will also be your manager. Let's have fun everyone! wryyy.........." He then made a low wry.

"Eh?" almost everyone said.

"EH!?" Ollie said outloud.

"LET'S GOOO!!!!!!!" a certain cat shouted.

Alright wth did I just write

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