𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4: 𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚

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It had been several days since Kai was killed and everyone decided to vote Jungkook out, who was ejected from the ship. The imposter had been laying low for a while now, like a lion hiding in tall grass in the savannah, waiting to pounce on its prey. They had already voted out both Jimin and Jungkook, however, they were still stuck on the ship. This could only mean that their enemy still hadn't been eliminated, and two of them were possibly still thriving.

Everyone was currently seated in the cafeteria, waiting for Jin to finish cooking them dinner. Y/N rested her chin on the cold metal of the table, sighing. "I just wanna go home..." Hobi grinned, trying to cheer Y/N up. "Don't worry, kid. You will!" Yoongi frowned, unsure of the fact, but remained silent regardless.

Beomgyu fiddled with his armpad, his face pale and carrying dark bags under his eyes. He had already lost two of his closest friends, which had taken a large toll on him. He grew quieter as the days went on, keeping to himself. His bright smile wasn't seen in days.

Yeonjun was helping Jin out in the kitchen, the two were boiling packets of ramen they found for everyone. "We still have plenty of tasks to get done..." Namjoon placed his fingers on his chin. "It's best that we finish them as soon as possible so we can just go home." Taehyun nodded.

Suddenly Jin and Yeonjun slid back into the cafeteria, their hands carrying trays that were filled with bowls of ramen. Everyone received a steaming hot bowl, the spicy aroma drifting through the air. Steel chopsticks were passed out to everyone. "Dinner is served!" Yeonjun triumphantly dug into his bowl.

Jin scoffed. "I still regret letting you into the kitchen! You almost spilled half of the ramen!" Yeonjun shrugged. "Hey! You said almost! That's a huge improvement from the last time I tried making some!" Jin rolled his eyes as everyone began to slurp down their noodles.

"I'm afraid we don't have many packets left, and they won't last much longer... We really need to pick up the pace with those tasks before the imposter starts acting up again!" Jin added. Y/N hummed through her mouthful of ramen. Everyone hastily scarfed down their noodles, slurping their bowls clean.

"Thanks for dinner, Jin." Namjoon got off his stool, stretching his arms. "Hey, I helped too!" Yeonjun whined, placing his hands on his hips. "You too, Yeonjun." Namjoon rolled his eyes, smiling at the younger purple-suited boy. "I think I'm gonna call it a day," Taehyung yawned and started towards medbay to occupy a bed.

The other older crewmates followed, all planning to sleep and finish off their tasks the next day. Beomgyu followed his older brother. "Goodnight, guys." He waved sadly before heading through the door, exiting the cafeteria.

"He hasn't been himself lately, has he?" Taehyun put his bowl away, beckoning towards the door. "I don't blame him a bit. Losing Kai and Soobin wasn't easy at all." Yeonjun sighed. Y/N agreed silently, heading down the hall leading towards the upper engine. "I'm gonna try and get started on a task before I hit the sacks."

Taehyun nodded, following her. "I have wiring to fix over there too, and it's best we stick together since we've both been cleared." Yeonjun beckoned towards the door. "I think I'll call it a day as well. See you guys later!"

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