Chpt 32

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"Well can't you just turn him into a Nosferatu? Then he wouldn't-"

"It doesn't work that way. I can't create an immortal."

"A Vampire then?" He tried.

"No they aren't to be trusted, I don't even know when or where it's going to happen though so I could miss it entirely by going searching for a Vampire." I whispered. We were trying to figure out a way to save Sirius. "Well we have to do something!" He sighed, slumping on the bed. "About all we could do is tie him to the Hippogriff in the loft and pray it doesn't eat him." I answered sarcastically.

"No, we should be serious and actually think of something." We both paused and sat in a comfortable silence, thinking over what we could do.

"If its Bellatrix you're worried about...?"

"Yes...?" I asked liking where he was going with this.

"Then we could find her and get her put into Azkaban." He said hopefully, unsure of what my reaction would be.

"Which you're already doing?" I asked.

"So there's nothing more we can do," he muttered with a frightening sense of finality. I smiled cruelly at the thought of tearing out Bellatrix's throat with my hands and revelling in the blood as it poured out of her body, wishing that I coul actively go looking for her, but I kjnew it was impractical.

"So we just keep an eye on him?" I said my face falling into a frown. Lupin nodded and yawned. "You'd best get back." He suggested.

"Yeah probably. Goodnight Remus." I said softly as I opened the door and snuck out. I silently crept back down a level to my room, hearing Ron and Harry whispering, I knocked gently. "Boys go to sleep. You don't want Mrs Weasley to catch you up at this time of the morning." They guiltily stopped talking and satisfied I made my way down the hall. Sirius was sitting up, waiting for me when I returned through the door.

"And where were you, missy, out making love to Alastor Moody under a tree?" He accused jovially. I smiled and made over to the bed, "Oh my gosh yes! All that muscle is just amazing, and that eye!" I mimicked a shocked gasp of pleasure. He snorted and I climbed into the bed next to him. "I bet I'm better," he whispered as he nibbled my ear from behind me.

"Oh I don't know, you'd have to be pretty amazing." I giggled and he kissed my neck.

"We'll have to see how loud I can make you scream then." He flicked his wand at the door and murmured, "Muffliato," Then with a chuckle he flicked off the light and we rolled under the covers.

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