Chpt 2

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"You seem to have matured greatly since I last saw you." He said as we sat in luxurious armchairs. The room was dimly lit and I wondered if he'd been taking decorating tips from Severus Snape. The room had an eerie green cast to it and the shelves that weren't lined with gradually decaying scrolls and books, were occupied by severed, human body parts and various other anatomical pieces. I turned back to my father. Underneath the lavish clothing he was dark haired and of course red eyed, he had protruding fangs and was still just taller than me at six-foot-two, but that didn't bother me too much, when it came down to it I could beat him in a fight based entirely on my better knowledge of magic. He was right I had matured, there was a time when I wouldn't have dared think like that in his presence. It showed also how little I cared for my life since resurrection.

"That would be because I died father since you last saw me; unfortunately it also had some rather..." I paused, "drastic changes on my anatomy." I smiled sweetly, admittedly having waited a long time before replying to him. "That happens to be why I am here."

He smirked slightly and lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh really? I had assumed you had heard the news and had returned to finally marry your fiancée." I didn't let my shock show, but underneath the cold exterior I was ready to fall apart. "No father unfortunately I am not here to marry Voldemort, nor will I ever. You know my views on marriage." Well not marriage, just marriage to Voldemort. I continued, taking heed of his bitter expression. "I was hoping that you could tell me why I am alive after being staked through the heart." Both of his eyebrows shot into his hair line this time, he was making no attempt to hide his shock.

"That could only have been caused by a mutation," at my confused look he explained further. "When some Nosferatu come in contact with something... abhorrent to our nature we adapt in strange ways." He quickly looked to me and his face appeared lighter, I knew this play, this wa his way of trying to lure me into a sense of false security. I really knew my father too well. "It's considered a deformity by a small group of extremists. It's usually expressed after re-birth. When they staked you and I presume, buried you, you changed." He openly smiled at me and I tried to ignore the shiver that ran down my spine. "Tell me Robyn, what is the extent of this change?" I had changed my appearance so much that I was unrecognisable if it wasn't for my scent I would have been killed already for trespassing.

I dropped my disguise and watched his expression change. I became aware of every part of my face shifting back into its sharp, pale exterior, even my lips changed shape slightly, my eye reverted to its pale blue colour while the other changed to a shade of crimson red. My red hair, shortened by my disguise grew back to its normal length, and I could feel my ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones change ever so slightly, giving me a fuller build and a completely different figure. His face darkened like a thunder cloud and he looked lividly into my strange eyes, he wasn't taking this well. " are an abomination!" He shouted, turning the colour of bleached parchment and grimacing at my lack of heartbeat.

"Leave! Now!" I didn't need telling twice. I stood and without bowing left the room and pretty much ran up the stairs. The King of the Nosferatu called after me. "When he finds out about this there will be no place on earth safe for you to hide!"

I knew he meant Voldemort, but obviosly he didn't understand my betrothed as well as I did- Voldemort wouldn't care.

Trying to not look back I kept running and once I reached the top of the stairs I slowed down and walked past the servants with as much grace as possible. Ignoring their whispers and looks, merely lifting my hood over my head and stalking out of the manse with only my dignity intact. It was safe to say that I no longer had to come home again. Walking out into the air and the forest beyond I tried to figure out what I would do, I thought of Sirius and sighed. "I can't go back to him, not now." I muttered to myself. As much as I wanted to, I felt that I couldn't go back; I couldn't put him through thinking me alive again when I knew what the future would ultimately hold in store for me. It wasn't fair.

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