Chapter 11: An new enemy! My son! Part 1

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Nodoka was rushed to the ER with an oxygen mask; her friends and family were in the ambulance looking at her. Nodoka's mother cried on Nodoka's father's shoulders, looking at their daughter struggling to breathe. They finally made it to the hospital, where the doctors rushed in; people moved aside, looking at Nodoka as she fought for her life. They made it into the room where the doctors were waiting for her, and they immediately hooked her up to the IV and heart monitor. Her heart rate was well above the average rate. At this rate, she could go into cardiac arrest luckily because her friends and her family were there, and it started to go down. Nodoka's mother was crying while Nodoka's father comforted her. He knew that they could not stay longer and turned to Chiyu.

"Could you stay with our daughter tonight? My wife is in a state where she could break down again; it seems like this might be a resurgence of the disease that she had when she was seemed like it yesterday.....Nodoka was five years old and with her old Asumi. Asumi went into the forest, and when they finally found her, it seemed like she had something. Later Asumi passed away, but before that, there was a strange incident; during art class, when Nodoka was ten years old, she suddenly passed out and fell to the floor. The school nurse checked her, and it seemed like she got the same disease. Luckily Nodoka disease was treatable, but it was pretty expensive. It got so expensive that we could not afford to live in the city and we had to move here, to pay the medical bills. If the disease resurges, I fear that it could be worse than the last time.....Anyway, thank you for being with us...." Then Nodoka's father left, along with Nodoka's mom in tears. As soon they left, Daruizen and Asumi appeared; Asumi rushed to Nodoka's bed and pulled up a chair holding her mother's hand; she tried her best to hold back tears. Daruizen's hands turned to fists and spoke, " I make sure that Batatomode pays for this with his life.....he made a grave mistake, and he went too far!" Then suddenly, he felt a hand grab his hand with Asumi in tears " We don't need you dead as well, mom's life is in danger, and we don't do anything, she dies!" Asumi's words hit Daruizen, and he wasn't going to fail this time. Then Hinata suggested something, " Why not have Rabirin and hold her hand? The mega part infected her; maybe that would work...." Hinata said. Asumi looked at Hinata, then said, " That might work.....then let's try it.....Let's get Rabirin here and see if Hinata's idea works....."


Rabirin could look at the window with tears streaming down her eyes, and the tears sting her. She failed at protecting her partner. If only she knew earlier that Nodoka was heading to the place, she could have saved her. Now she bears the responsibilities for her actions and the consequences that they had. Then she heard a knock on the door; Rabirin flew to bed and pretended to be a doll. However, it was hard when you were full of tears of sorrow and regret. Asumi came in to see Rabirin looking at her with tears in her eyes. Asumi came over and sat down.

" What's the matter? You are not like this....." Asumi asked.

Rabirin spoke, " Back at Healing Garden before we went to Earth, we made a promise to protect our guardians, and the precure were using us to transform that including our lives, we lost many of friends, family, and even strangers that we did not know. We swore an oath to protect the ones we chose even if meant on losing our lives....instead, I failed on that promise when it came to protecting my ally, I Rabirin failed, I should be there!"

Rabirin hugged Asumi, then Asumi petted her and said, " Now, you shouldn't say that they might be a way of saving your partner's life, but we need your help.....would you help us save my mom?"

Rabirin eyes filled up; she stood up and nodded yes. Asumi smiled then spoke. " Then, let's go!"

~Back at the Hospital~

Nodoka's parents waited outside to hear about the condition of their daughter. Chiyu and Hinata were sulking. They tried Hinata's idea, but it did not work. Chiyu grimaced, knowing the entire situation wasn't looking too good.

Then, the doctor came out with a sheet of paper, and his face had a grim look on it. "It seems like your daughter's disease has come back. The condition is accelerating this time. If her heart rate keeps going up, then she might go into cardiac arrest. I never thought that her condition would deteriorate to this state. We will have to call CHOP and see if they can bring any of their best doctors over here.  If this keeps on going on, then we will have to put her on life support. Nodoka's condition is escalating at a faster pace than we originally thought," the doctor said while looking at his notes. Then he walked away, they starting run out ideas they needed a miracle. Then Asumi realized something, it was risky but it was the only course of act. Asumi turned around and spoke, " What if I used my Cure Earth form and Daruizen used some his powers would that maybe work?"
"Would that work?" Rabirin asked.
"I don't know but we got try....."

Part 1 done

Blooming Love in unlike places (Nodoka x Daruizen) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now