Chapter 6: A new reality

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It been a couple of weeks since the incident that happened, since then it didn't take long for news to spread about Daruizen betrayal and the truth about The Lady. The Lady sat up on her throne looking unamused by the events that happened, the three other generals bowed down while the lady played with her strain of hair. " We sorry about the sudden betrayal of Daruizen-" The Lady shot a blast from her interrupting Guaiwaru from talking. She looked into his eyes seeing all of his worst fears that feed him. " Surely you were the strongest however you now consider the weakest! If this keeps up I might have replaced you...." The Lady with insanely evil smile on her face. Guaiwaru then bowed in sweats knowing the word replacement; he didn't want that to happen to him, the new reality was setting on the villains and he didn't like it.

The pretty cure were at Chiyu's house planning the next move or rather the elephant in the room; that being the new cure, Asumi. On one hand they need a ally that was stronger than all three them combined. However, they didn't know whether Asumi would be security risk, technical Asumi was half of a demon and the other hand being human but that still meant that she could attract the Megabyogen to the area. The three girls sat down around the round table sitting on the cushions while Chiyu got some green tea, it was awkward to be at least. Luckily, hinata had some spear clothing that being a green dress that she had. It original was meant for her but, Hinata didn't really like it so she gave to Asumi while also giving her a beige scarf, some strapped sandals and purple necklace. Hinata broke the awkward silence by complementing the outfit "I really think this outfit looks good on you...." Hinata said. Asumi looked at Hinata frowning at her " Why are still thinking that I'm part of them! Have I already proved enough evidence, to show that I'm not part of them!" Asumi asked to Hinata, Hinata responsed " Well, it not me, I think you're just fine the way you are....It's Chiyu who been having a hard time with the new reality....." Hinata looked at Chiyu frowning and then spoke " It might take a while for Chiyu to warm up, maybe find some interests in things....." Then Chiyu came in looking at Hinata " What were discussing about?" Chiyu asked, Hinata responded " Ah! Nothing! Just some things about fashion....."
Chiyu sighed and sat down, she gave tea to her friends and spoke " Listen ever since the events from a few week ago, it been strange. So I called a meeting to discuss our next strategy...."
Asumi turned to Chiyu and directly asked her the question " Chiyu why do you hate me for what I am?" Chiyu stood up to defend herself "Asumi! I don't hate you!I-" You don't....Then why are distant from me is because of my background or maybe my family.....or maybe it is me....." Asumi said glaring Chiyu, Asumi got up from the table and left the room. Chiyu felt particularly guilty about this, she looked to her two others friends who were looking down at the floor. Chiyu still didn't accept the facts, but she need to patch things up, this was her fault and maybe she been to harsh on Asumi. Chiyu stand up and spoke " I'm going find Asumi and apologize to her, I think I was being to harsh and a part me still thinks that was part of them. However, Asumi proved that she not part of them and I still I'm blaming her for things that she hasn't done, for that I'm gonna to apologized for that....." Chiyu got up and left the house to find Asumi to apologize to her.

It didn't take long to find her. Asumi was up on a hill overlooking the city, with sadness in her face, Chiyu sat near her looking at her.
" You know I'm trying my best to make you feel comfortable with me.....This city is my home not that place, listen I'm not the same, but I'm still trying put the work in to be like all of you.....the only place that I known is this place and this consider to be my home....." Asumi said while looking at the city she turned to Chiyu and smiled at her. Chiyu looked out from the city and then spoke " Listen, I'm sorry for the stuff that I did, I was still coming to terms with you and Daruizen. It my fault for blaming you for things that you didn't have control in, I should be a better teammate than that but, instead I'm still being petty about it.....and I would like to apologize for the things that I done, it's not right to blame everything on you, and I would like to start fresh, it not your fault for you are." Chiyu looked at Asumi who was stunned but, then, she smiled softly and looked upon the city " Thank you, I would also like to apologize for the things I done, it wasn't right to blame you for hating me besides I'm not part of them anymore, neither is my dad as well, maybe we restart a fresh relationship again." Asumi said smiling, Asumi petted Latte who came along with her after she ran away from the meeting. Chiyu smiled back and looked upon the bustling city as Chiyu's partner joined her as they watched the city, however, things suddenly changed when Latte sneezed her forehead was yellow. Chiyu and Asumi nodded in agreement as Chiyu got out the stethoscope hear Latte thoughts " A Megaboygen is attacking nearby the the marsh lands...." Latte said breathing heavily, Chiyu said " The persevere she must talking about the persevere nearby, they only ones that have marsh lands in around the area.....Asumi let's go!"

( I put later a duo transformation of Chiyu and Asumi if ever there is one)

" The two winds that connect through time! Cure Earth!"

"The two intersecting streams! Cure Fontaine!"

The two cures fly to Megaboygen and to the marshlands, to already being destroyed by none other then Guaiwaru. Guaiwaru sees the two cures and turned around " Ah! Look that the traitor daughter and blue one! It because of you that I might replaced!" Guaiwaru pointed at Cure Earth who frowned at him and spoke "It not my fault for your boss wanting replace you, besides that's not nice name...." Cure Earth said frowning. Then Cure Earth flew to the monster and yelled at her teammate " You deal Guaiwaru! I deal with the monster!" While kicking the monster, Cure Fontaine nodded yes then flew to Guaiwaru and started battling him. " Your pesky weed, just like that other girl but at least you're human unlike her!"  Guaiwaru said smirking at Cure Fontaine. He was testing her for how much Fontaine trust Cure Earth, Cure Fontaine frowned " She may half human but, she is one of us! Although we have some differences, we still have the same goals!" As Cure Fontaine said the other Cures joined Cure Earth in helping defeat the monster, Cure Fontaine smirked at that, turned back to see a stunned Guaiwaru, Cure Fontaine yelled " Now Earth!" Cure Earth saw Fontaine smiled and she nodded back in understanding Cure Fontaine.

" Healing Hurricane!" Cure Earth said using her attack purifying the monster. Guaiwaru grimaced at that and he teleport away after his monster was defeated. Cure Earth flew down and smiled at Fontaine who smiled back she turned her group and spoke " Me and Cure Earth are starting fresh, no more fighting each other, it better to have the team together than to be apart." Cure Grace had wide smiled on her face, being glad that would be no more in fighting then she remember something " Oh yeah there something I need to tell you, Daruizen will be going to our school along with Asumi...." Cure Grace said. " EH?!" Both cures said  in unison they Cure Earth who smiled "Don't worry I be wearing a head band at school because of my horns unlike my dad who turned into human...." Cure Earth said. Cure Fontaine and Sparkle smiled at that fact, they hugged Cure Earth who hugged back.

Guaiwaru bowed in disgrace as the others looked at him in disgusted that he got defeated by a half human and half demon girl. Sitting on the throne was The Lady twirling her hair, she huffed " Your a real failure, this is pretty pathetic that you got defeated by that traitor of a daughter! Don't matter! Shindoine! Now it your turn to prove to me that aren't worthless, your near your end, two more failures I will find a replacement!" Shindoine looked with horrid eyes, she didn't want to die, not her not now. Shindoine bowed and answered " I promise that I will not fail you! I can guarantee that!" Shindoine bowed and teleport away, The Lady smirked at that " We'll see about that! Heheh...." The Lady snickered and smiled evilly as she cross one legs while smiling evilly.

( Chapter 7: first day of school! Shindoine last chance!)

Blooming Love in unlike places (Nodoka x Daruizen) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now