Chapter 2: Danger appears, a new enemy

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In a dream
Nodoka was walking in fog, walking for seem like hours, until she heard a voice " Your in danger. She had awakened, the devil has been awoken my flower in danger." ??? said. Nodoka turn around to see the woman that she saw yesterday. " What do you mean?" Nodoka asked. "The Lady has awoken, your in danger, I'm warning to not repeat what happened." The woman said Nodoka looking at wilt flower. Then she stood up and put her hand on Nodoka face.

Nodoka's alarm went off and Nodoka was in cold sweats the word The Lady rung bells to her, a shiver came down her spine. She knew that something was wrong but, couldn't figure out what it was. I looked at Latte who still sleeping and so was Rabirin too, then decided to get some fresh air go out to the deck. I went outside, the cold air was bitter. I could still see my breath signifying that it still winter. As I looked upon the town, I heard some rustling across some branches then, a figure jumped down from some of trees. I was shocked on who it was....
" Daruizen!!!" I said.
Daruizen put one finger on lips giving the signal to be quiet. " Listen, I may be from the enemy side but, I am warning about her....."
" Her?" I asked.
" The Lady....." Daruizen said. Her name sent shivers down as across the my spine, I heard that name somewhere, but, then a question in mind. " Hey Daruizen....Why are you warning me about her?" I asked. Then came extremely close to me, I blushed furiously, then we kissed. I don't know how long it was but, was different from anything that I experienced. My lower area was very warm from it, funny, I never expected my lower area to be on fire but, it was and it was good. This kiss was passionate, showed every emotion and this was a sense of love, then long winded kiss was over, I didn't want to be over. I wanted more of it, I blush like tomato as I felt my lips wanting more. Then Daruizen answer my question " I don't know why, but, I don't want to lose you. I want to keep you alive because I love you." I was stunned by those words but, I felt the same way. Then I kissed back to him, this time it was more hungry and passionate. Something inside of me awoken up and now, I couldn't put back in bed. My body felt like it on fire but, in a good way, I never enjoyed something this good. But, it had to end then I spoke " Daruizen....I feel the same way, I love you too." Then we kissed then we started to make out, we had a connection, something connected us each other. However, the enjoyment ended, when we both heard Latte crying. Then like that he teleport away, and I ran into my room to see Latte forehead heart color red, I knew what that meant, I got changed really quickly and ran downstairs went outside with Latte and Rabirin asking if was the megaboygens I nodded no, knew that this was different. Chiyu and Hinata joined me, " Nodoka, could tell us where the megaboygen is?" Chiyu asked.
I turned around to answer her but, before I could answer her, a blast came out of nowhere and send three flying to other side of the street. The Healing animals came rushing to us, I looked up to see what just hit us and saw her.

~ ~
"Princess! Watch out!"
~ ~

My head hurt, was that a vision but, from where? I wiped off and stood up to see her. Light long green hair with bangs, her eyes were golden but, they looked like snakes eyes. Two golden bands on each of her arms, her dress was mostly black and grey, also wore red heels. She frowned at me and stared into my eyes then spoke " Oh my! Look like pesky weed has been reborned, to honest I thought you least learned.....But oh, you two are new!" She pointed to Chiyu and Hinata, then she did a curtsy " Allow me to introduce myself, my name is The Lady....please remember that if your able too." Shivers came down my spine, I remember that name somewhere but, where?.....The Lady frowned at me, she studied my face a bit, then she smiled in a creepy way.
" So you don't remember what in the past? Well that just fine to me!"
I was confused by those words " What she that?" My brain thought.
" Now, I'm not here for that dog, or for you two, although I do give her credit giving her protectors! But, now I have purpose again to destroy what should destroy long ago! Killing you will my purpose! As long as you live, she will continue!" The lady said smiling but, then frown then spoke " That's means he been reborn as well.....that might become a problem...." Then looked at me and smiled evilly " But, these are interesting events, but I shouldn't been surprised by her! Now then shall we begin....Healin Good! The lady said with a evil grin. We got out element bottles and transformed.

After we transformed the battle started, Cure Sparkle and Cure Fontaine attacked the lady from both sides, however, she created an shield on both sides blocking their attacks. Then The Lady used her shield send the two Pretty Cure flying across the sky landing miles behind where the battle field. " Sparkle! Fontaine!" I flew to try and attack the lady but, suddenly my body stopped. The lady smiled " Your past self still remember me......interesting......Now! Time to dust off some moves!" Then, The Lady teleported really close to me, and memories flooded in.....

"Princess! She coming, I'm warning your planet in danger if don't do nothing!" ???
" I don't want us to be on different sides, she horribly, a wicked devil....Can't just have a relationship a secret one?"
" You endanger your people-" Princess kissed the guy and he blushed, then Princess spoke
" I don't want to lose you.....because I love you...."
"Princess! Noooooo!" Blood seep out as Princess fell she looked up to her lover smiling at him using left hand touch his cheek then died as scream of agony was let out

The lady smiled at me. Then kicked me and sent me flying to the other side, as the two cures started to get up from being injured badly they caught me. However, when they did catch me, they were also sent flying as well. We crashed landed near the forest, my head hurt from the memory but, wasn't my was it? As I got up I saw The Lady evilly smiling, she seemed to be in amusement. " It seem like yourself starting to awaken....that's bad news! So I stopped here today PRECURE!!! But, just let know that I will come and get rid off of you weeds....." Then The Lady pointed my finger to me " Especially you! Killing you will my main goal! I hate you for what you stand for, somehow you regrown I got snipped you! Farewell Cure Grace!" Then the lady disappeared. My head still hurt for those memories were they mine? What does she mean by I have regrown.....I pondered for bit until I noticed my teammates looking scared. They never faced a advisory like this and they were scared about her what she said.
"Nodoka we got protect might important..." Chiyu said. " Chiyu what do you mean?" I asked.
Then hit me, the memories weren't mine they were part of the past, but, who's? Only I could remember them....then realization hit me I may have a past life..... but, I didn't remember her or anything only a trail of something. I look up, to evening sky wondering more about my past memories and my about previous life but, no answers would be given yet, more had to be unraveling.

(Next chapter, Chapter 3: Memories start to awaken.....)

(( Important note: The Rikka x Ira chapter 16 will be delayed, I'm sorry but, my mom just had dental surgery, so I have to take care of her for a while it might until three weeks later or whenever I update.....I am sorry.....
Sincerely MimickingGirl ))

Blooming Love in unlike places (Nodoka x Daruizen) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now