Chapter 1: Visions

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I was in a dress, not medical dress but, royalty one. I heard a voice " Princess!" I turn around to see who I was talking too.

Latte licked my face then let out a yelp got off the bed. I rolled out bed, rubbing off the sleep in the eyes.
Rabirin said happly
" Good morning Nodoka!~Rabi~"
" Good morning Rabirin...." I said tiresomely as getting dressed.
" Isn't today the field trip to the National forest?~Rabi~"
I looked at the calendar and it was! I was already five minutes late for school!
" Oh no! Out all the days, it had to be today!" I got my school bag walk down bunch stairs got my lunchbox and protein shake ran out of the house to school.

Daruizen Proview
Meanwhile in a dream
I hear somebody calling me by name. I saw out shadow of what seemed to princess of sort but, I couldn't see who it was....
"Daruizen!!!" I woke up to Shindoine yelling at me again. Grumbled tired from a dream that seem to be hell or Earth people called so called heaven. Shindoine then back to doing her antics and decided that maybe spending time at Earth would relieved some stress plunged the world sounds nice but, they come but that's the normal. Then I teleported away.
We finally arrived at the National forests learning about the species and biology of animals. We were allowed to explore the National forest park on own until lunchtime. Hinata and Chiyu decided to go to petting zoo because Hinata didn't really like hiking that much. I decided to walk an easy trail but, also train up my stamina it until I got to part of the trail that divides between two paths. My heart decided to take easier one which was the left side, I walked to part that I didn't know about there were no signs. It look like this trail was abandoned, but then a voice whispered "keep following your almost there...." I turned around to see nobody, I looked back in sweats to see nobody however, that voice it wasn't the fairies, it wasn't my friends and it definitely not villains.
However, I felt like I heard before somewhere.....I had no choice but, to followed it to the direction it came from, which was the north of the abandoned trail. I follow the voice until I got to place that was I was surprised about. It was a very old castle, older than all the castles that seen in history, even the most oldest castles which was Citadel of Aleppo in Syria is older than that. It looked abandoned but, I feel like I know this place....somewhere....
But where, in this life time? No.......somewhere a distance memory was starting remerge but then I felt a presence I turned around to see him.
" Daruizen! What are doing here?!" I stepped back.
Daruizen smiled " Look like your teammates aren't here! Besides I am your enemy why do worry about me?"
Daruizen then saw ghostly figure frowning at him. It wasn't Queen Teatinu, or anyone he knew of. No this person was different from her, but why was she frowning was unknown to him. Then the woman snapped her fingers nodoka turned around tried to stop it,but, it was too late for her and him.
Nodoka woke up in grassylands she turned around saw the same castle but this time it wasn't abandoned. Then she looked for Daruizen even though they were enemies maybe forming a little alliance would good. "Who was that woman....." Nodoka question. She looked for Daruizen and found him laying several feet apart. She was nervous at first but she pushed aside the stuff to hear his heart if was just okay. Luckily it just beating fine, just that he was unconscious. So she waited, luckily it wasn't that long until woke up.
" Where are we?" Daruizen mumbled as woke up.
" I don't know....but right now we have form a little alliance for now....." Nodoka said.
" You don't need too form an alliance...." ??? said.
Nodoka turn around to see woman in cloak "I am sorry sending back but, there not much time for that. You see I am from distance time and although you two may not understand I see too much suffering at the hands of them. My poor dear flower was wilted but was reborn do to tragic it can't are hope please.....remember what truly happened.....this what your fighting for.....

Then like that the woman disappeared and everything was back to normal. Tears dropped down from the ground. Nodoka was trying remember something important she fighting something no somebody but who? She never loved anything, she knew parental love, friends that love her but, love relationship, a romantic one she never experienced. Nodoka reached for any memories of figure that she love but couldn't. Then Nodoka looked to Daruizen who was thinking about what the lady said.
Daruizen was trying remember something what the lady said....he trying remember but he couldn't recall because that memory was far away but, like every memory someone remember it. He looked at his enemy who was looking at him. " Well that uneventful....I am going off, no fighting for me!" Before he could left Nodoka grabbed his hand and yelled at him. "Uneventful!! Aren't you trying remember something!!" That phase hit him, it connected to him that sentence had meaning but, couldn't understand. Daruizen slipped his hand away from being held by Nodoka, looked at her and disappeared.
Tears were dropping but why? Then heard yelling "Nodoka!!!" " Nodoka-chan!!!" She saw her two teammates along with the healing fairies. " Nodoka where were you?! You been gone for so long that you were reported missing!" Chiyu said. " Nodoka-chan! We're worry about you are you okay?!" Hinata asked.
Nodoka smiled " Yes I'm fine, I just found these structures were looking at them." Then Nodoka's eye widened she realized what just did. " Are you okay Nodoka?" Chiyu asked seriously. " Yeah! I'm fine. Let's go home!" Nodoka looked at castle structure one more time feeling like this wouldn't be the last she would the castle, then she left.

Meanwhile at Byogen Kingdom
Daruizen teleported back when to sleeping place but then King Byogen summon all four them. Shindoine was fangirly until King Byogen silence all four them. " Today we have new adversary she finally awakened after thousands years of sleep enter in the lady" sound of heels clicked in with a evil laughter, green hair and golden eyes that were snakes. She wore a long black dress and golden band on both of her shoulders. She also had also red lipstick, she smiled bowed down then stood up. " It been a while, but I'm finally awake..... I been hearing that you been having problems with those pesky cures! Well you call the right person as I! The Lady, will get rid of all them." The lady smiled evilly then disappeared. Daruizen had realized that he knew her from the past and he was in cold sweats, she in danger.

( Starting off with a kicker! This story will be different from the official one beware of that! This story will have significant differences to official one! Now hopefully they don't ruin Healin Good because I heard they coming back! But hopefully this story would bring it! Don't worry about the DokiDoki with Ira and Rikka. I am doing something very special but, you have wait for surprise! I hope that you enjoy this chapter- MimickingGirl)

Blooming Love in unlike places (Nodoka x Daruizen) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now