Chapter 5: Love shows itself

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Twelve weeks past since love passion night and Nodoka was sick, she was in the bathroom throwing up from last night's food. Nodoka's hair was in a bun to keep the throw up away. Her face was green. She kneels on the toilet, looking down her meal. Nodoka used toilet paper to wipe away leftover throw up from her mouth then, she another paper to clean the ring she threw in the toilet and flushed down. Nodoka came out to her mother, worrying about her " Nodoka! My dear, this unusual for you to throw up your dinner for three nights in a row! Maybe you shouldn't go to school...."
" I'll be fine, mom, it just a stomach bug. It will be all over by next week!" Nodoka untied hair and got dress in her school uniform she looked at her uniform looking at the weight she gains in her stomach and her breasts, her breast darkened a few weeks ago. As she looked at her belly, she pressed softly, then felt a kick from her stomach, and she sighed, she couldn't tell her parents the truth. Luckily this would end of being sick for the future; now, she just had survived the weird cravings. She noticed that her stockings didn't fit anymore because of the baby growing in her stomach, so instead, she got high knee socks on, then she got her school bag left for "school." There no tangible way of going to school. They would notice that Nodoka has gained weight in the stomach and her breast; instead, she had to go to the castle. Very luckily, Daruizen would be there with editable food that she keeps down for a while. Daruizen knew that this situation would come, but he didn't expect to this fast, Nodoka remember the day that the baby show itself and it was the worse possible time during a fight with Daruizen. Yes, they still fought each other because they oppose sides, but the baby took famous moments of glory when it shows itself to its father.
~ flashback~
"Flower kick!!!" Cure Grace kicked the Megaboygen, and she landed down. Then suddenly she felt a sharp pain in the abdomen she clutched her stomach in pain, she didn't see Megaboygen vine come down, she got flung in the air in the forest where she got lost again. This time Daruizen appears checked on her and stomach. Then Daruizen felt it, the baby it their and want itself to be known to the public. Daruizen hugged Cure Grace, who was shocked and said, "Because careful the next time with our baby, I don't want her or him to get hurt in a battle." Cure Grace was shocked, but then she felt another kick letting her know that was the baby. Nodoka smiled softly hugged and him back. Then they realized that they had to get back to the fight but, before they did, they kissed each other, letting the baby know that they love each just that they couldn't show in public.
Nodoka finally reached the castle and opened the door to be kissed by Daruizen he slammed her on the wall as he make out with her. Daruizen rubbed her stomach felt the baby kick for attention; he giggled a bit. " It seems like our child got my side of attention...." Nodoka smiled softly at that, but then her stomach growled in hunger; it hasn't eaten anything since yesterday's time for the only meal that she eats. The only thing that she could eat something that demons eat, she looked at piece of garbage food a bit, then Nodoka ate the food real quick. It took several minutes before the baby could registration that it was food, Nodoka smiled softly on how the baby would only eat what demons would eat. Daruizen held Nodoka in his arms she was looking down at her stomach, she was excited for the baby but, this was extremely dangerous to have it. But they would have the baby, Daruizen put his hand on Nodoka's stomach, he felt the aura of the baby, then found out something he smiled at the fact, then he spoke " Nodoka, it is a girl..." Nodoka looked at her partner stunned but, then smiled at it, she was going to the mother to little girl and that made her overjoyed.

Months had passed since that day, she looked at her stomach that 9 months pregnant, she smiled softly at it, of course she had to stop fighting with her teammates but they overjoyed, well only one of them was overjoyed but, Chiyu was suspicious when she found Nodoka was pregnant. It happened after that week that she spent with Daruizen, it happened 3 weeks later, when her teammates found that she was pregnant. Nodoka was in gym class playing dodgeball, when suddenly she fainted in class, she was sent to the nurses office went they ran test on her to see what the problem to discovered that Nodoka was expecting. Immediately, they call her parents to tell her that she was pregnant and her two friends found out when they came to check.

Blooming Love in unlike places (Nodoka x Daruizen) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now