Chapter 3

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(A/N Sorry this is all in Liam's POV, but some of the stuff in this will be important!)

Liam awoke the next day feeling more rested than he had in a long time. It felt good to be able to sleep for a whole night, not having to worry about going into the studio, or having to be up early for a video shoot.

He got out of bed, and walked over to his computer quickly signing into his YouTube account, and was stunned at what he saw, he finally reached one million subscribers! Could this day get any better? This was big really big, and he knew that things were just going to get better. Now that he was eighteen he finally felt okay with making his music edgier, and that’s what he had planned on doing. He had already recorded a bunch of new songs, for an entirely new album, and he was excited because now that he had reached one million, he was going to release the songs. He next went to iTunes, to see that his new ep was still at number one, life was pretty sweet.

Suddenly out of nowhere an annoying noise started ringing through his speakers , signaling that he had a skype call. Seeing that it was his manager, he quickly answered it.

“Good morning Zayn!”

“Well I can see by the look on your face, that you have seen your YouTube page.” Zayn said, grinning.

“Yeah I just saw it, I can’t believe I’m finally at a million!”

“Well I’m glad you’re sitting, because I have some more news for you.”

Liam sat there staring at his screen puzzled, what more could possible make this day better?

“What news?”

“Well I have just been notified that MTV is adding a new category to the VMAS this year.”

“And that is?”

“Best YouTube Artist, and you my good sir are nominated!”

“FOR REAL!?!?!?”

“Yes! You are nominated for a few awards, including Best New Artist, and Video Of The Year.”

“How am I nominated for those? I’m not mainstream.”

“As I said, they are bringing in the YouTube acts, and I have a feeling If you win, you will be signed in a heartbeat!”

“OMG this is too amazing!” Liam said, barely containing his excitement.

“Calm down, there is more.”

“What else is there?”

“They want you to be the opening act on the show!”


“Yes, so I think that would be an amazing chance to debut your new stuff.”

“Yes, but what will I sing?”

“We will figure that out, are you willing to perform?”


“Great, and there is one more thing, we think it’s time you start doing a few shows here, and there. Get your name out there some more. That is why we have booked you to perform at a music festival, the night after the VMAS.”

“That’s amazing, I have so many Ideas for the show, when is this all going to be happening?”

“Well the VMAS obviously have been delayed this year, they are going to be held October, 25th.”

“How are we going to put together a full concert in a month?”

“Give us your ideas, and tell us what you want, and we will make it happen, we need to know by Friday!”

“Can do!”

“Now go, enjoy your day, lots of work here.”

“Thank you Zayn!”

Liam ended the call, and jumped for joy! This is what he had been working for. He had wanted this for so long, and now it was becoming a reality!. After a few minutes of jumping on his bed, and screaming at the top of his lungs, he decided he better get something to eat, and head to his moms.

He walked into the kitchen, where his dad, and step mom were making breakfast.

“Morning Dad, Mum.” He said, as he poured himself some coffee.

“Morning Li.” His dad said.

“So we couldn’t help but hear you going nuts about the great news, congrats sweetie.” His step mom said, hugging him.

“Thanks, this is huge, It’s what I have worked so long for!”

“We know, and we are really proud of you, and I’m sure your mom will be to, when you tell her.” His dad said, putting some pancakes on a plate, and handing it to Liam.

“Thanks, I can’t wait to tell her. Please tell me you will be at my show.” He replied, stuffing his face with pancakes.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world honey, will you be singing your more mature stuff?” his step mom asked.

“Yeah, I will be debuting the new Jamie Lee at the VMAS.”

“Well guys thanks for breakfast, I better go see how bad mom has trashed the house.” He continued, grabbing his jacket, and heading for the door.

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