Chapter 18

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(A/N Well guys there will be one more chapter after this! No epilogue, because there will be a sequel! Sorry if its sucky I hate writing smut!)

The ride home seemed to take forever, and Niall couldn’t take it. He sent his mother a text saying he was going to stay over at Liam’s, and all she said was, that her and Karen were going out. That was perfect, they were going to have the whole house to themselves.

When they finally pulled in Liam’s driveway, they said their goodbyes to Harry and Louis, and made their way inside.

As soon as they entered Liam’s room, he had Liam pinned against the door, once again a simple kiss turning into a full on snog, that was becoming more and more heated by the second.

Niall then pushed Liam down onto the bed.

“Off.” Niall said, pointing to Liam’s shirt.

Liam obeyed, and tossed it across the room, Niall doing the same before pulling him back into a kiss. Niall slowly started making his way down Liam’s toned body, sucking on the birthmark on Liam’s neck, causing him to let out a loud moan.

Once satisfied with the mark he had left on Liam’s neck he continued making his way down his torso, kissing every inch of it. He could feel Liam’s throbbing member against his own, and he grinded his hips against him. Liam continued gasping under Niall’s touch, which turned him on even more.

Niall quickly began unbuttoning Liam’s jeans, and yanked them off in one swift tug, exposing him. Niall once again began kissing his torso, leaving a trail or marks, before taking him fully into his mouth, causing Liam to let out a loud groan.

Niall continued going down on the brunette, Liam gasping Niall’s name.

“Niall your mouth is amazing.” Liam gasped out.

“You want more?”

“I need you in me.”

With that Niall reached over to the side table, and pulled out a bottle of lube. He coated one of his fingers, and slowly inserted it into him, causing him to grab at the sheets. Niall could feel Liam’s body tensing as he slowly continued adding fingers, gently rubbing his prostate. Liam let out another series of loud moans.

Once Liam relaxed a little and removed his fingers, and quickly coated himself with lube, and slowly slid inside, causing them both to let out a loud groan, both of their bodies trembling.

Niall continued thrusting into him, increasing his pace, both knowing they were not going to last long.

“Niall, I’m close.” Liam gasped out.

And with Liam lost all control, shooting his load all over him and Niall. Suddenly Niall’s body began to tremble, and before he knew it he lost all control himself, releasing inside him. He quickly pulled out, and curled up next to Liam.

“That was amazing.” Liam said, gasping for breath.

“So what does this make us?” Niall asked, gasping for air as well.

“What do you want it to make us?”

“Well I was hoping you would be my boyfriend.”

“I would love nothing more Ni.” Liam said, kissing him softly on the forehead.

The two laid there, and quietly drifted off to sleep, in a mess of tangled limbs. Later on that night Karen returned, and went to check on them, and was awestruck at the sight. The two curled up together under a blanked, with smiles on their faces. She quickly pulled out her phone, and sent a text to Maura.

*I think our boys are officially together!-K*

*About time!-M*

*Mission Accomplished-K*

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