Chapter 5

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(A/N Well I am in a writing mood so maybe I will do one more update after this!)

Liam was amazed when he pulled in the driveway. He couldn’t believe how much work had gotten done in 24 hours, I looked nearly done already! As he walked to the door he couldn’t help looking over to Niall’s house, and thinking of all the fun times they use to have, that were now nothing but a memory. He walked in, and was stunned at how much work his mother had gotten done, It looked like they had been living there for years, which in reality they had, but now it was just him, and his mom. He still wondered why she bought their old house, but he didn’t question it. He walked into the kitchen, and saw his mother was putting away dishes.

“Hey honey, what do you think?”

“It’s looking great!” He replied

“And the best part is construction on the house, should be done by the end of the night!”

“That fast?” He asked, giving her a questioning look.

“That’s what you get when you pay for 24 hour construction, and besides not that much has been done.”

“Well I have some news.”

“I already know, your dad called me! I’m so proud of you baby!” She said, pulling him into her tight embrace.


“So are you going out to celebrate tonight?”

“Eh, no I’m just gunna go down to The Breakfast Nook tonight, and see my friends, maybe reapply for my old job.”

“Why do you need a job, you make enough money off you songs, and videos?”

“I loved my job, that’s why.”

“Well you will have to tell Cathy about your other job, because you can’t just go off to L.A., and not tell her why.”

“I know, and I’m sure she will keep quiet about it.”

“I’m sure she will too, now go start unpacking things, we need to get this house in ship shape.”


“Oh, and I talked to Maura yesterday, she said you should come by and see her.”

Liam shuttered at the thought of going over there.

“If I think about it.”

“Li, you really should, I’m sure Niall has missed you, as much as you missed him.”

“I doubt it, he is the one who stopped talking to me, and besides he has new friends, and seemed pretty drunk when I saw him last night, and I don’t want to be around all that.”

“Oh hush it, wether you remember it or not it was his birthday yesterday, I’m sure he just wanted to go have some fun.”

“Whatever.” Liam groaned, as he walked out of the room, to start unpacking things.


Hours later, they had unpacked almost everything, and the construction workers, had left, so they were able to start moving things into the new part of the house. Liam was still stunned about how fast it got done, and it looked fantastic. It almost made him wish he hadn’t moved into his old room, but he liked being in the basement.

Once finished Liam looked at his phone, and saw it was time he started getting ready to go out, as he was heading to his room the doorbell rang, he let out a sigh and went to answer it.

“Liam! Look how much you’ve grown!” A familiar voice said, as she pulled him into a hug.

“Hi Mrs. Horan, How have you been?” He said, wiggling his way out of the hug.

“Oh I have been just great! Is your mother around?”

“Yeah, come in.” He said, standing aside so she could enter.”

“MOM MRS. HORAN IS HERE!!!!” He yelled.

“Okay I’ll be down in a minute!” His mom shouted back.

“Go ahead, and have a seat Mrs. Horan, she will be out in a second, and I don’t mean to be rude, but I gotta get ready to go see some friends, and try to get my old job back.” He said.

“Thank you, and it’s no trouble at all dear, you go get ready, maybe you will see Niall while you’re out.”

“Maybe” He said, as he headed down to his room.

He walked into his bathroom, turned the shower on, waiting till it was warm enough for him before stepping in. He stood there, letting the warm water rain on him, as he tried to clear his head. What is with everyone trying to get me to go see Niall? If Niall had wanted to be my friend he wouldn’t have stopped talking to me.


“Hey Li?” Niall said, sounding rather upset.

“You okay Nialler?”

“Yeah I guess.” He said, as he sat down on the log next to Liam.

“Niall I can tell something is wrong, come on you can tell me anything.”

Niall let out a sigh, and began to speak

“Well, I’m not going to be in school with you anymore.”

“What! Why? Are you moving?” Liam said, trying to hold back tears, waiting to hear the worst.

“No it’s nothing like that. My mum is putting me in a different school, she said it would be better for me.”

“Ni, I’m sorry, but hey look on the bright side, you’re not moving. It’s not like we’re gunna be separated”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Promise me something Li.”


“Promise me that even if I make new friends, we will always be best friends.”

“Don’t worry we will be.”

*2 Weeks Later*

“Sweetie, where is Niall, I haven’t seen him in weeks.” Liam’s mother asked.

“I’m not sure I haven’t seen him, since he told me he was changing schools. I’ve gone over there, but his mum tells me, he’s at Harry’s house, whoever Harry is.”

“Awe sweetie, I’m sure you will see him soon.”

Liam wasn’t so sure, he just had a gut feeling that Niall had replaced him.

*End of Flashback*

Liam got out of the shower, and went to get dressed, deciding on wearing a pair of grey skinnys, a LIGHTS t-shirt, and grey converse. He was ready for a night, with the friends he had missed so much.

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