Chapter 16

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(A/N First I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, and second sorry if this chapter sucks, it's more filler than anything!)

After a long flight Liam finally landed, and he knew he was going to be in for a long day. Today was the day he had been waiting for his whole life, his first concert, and he was beyond ready. He got off the plane, grabbed his bags, and found his limo.

As soon as they pulled away from the airport he turned his phone back on, and was instantly flooded with messages from everyone that knew his secret. He read through all of them, and smiled. When he finally got to Niall’s his heart started pounding, this was beginning to become the norm for him, anytime he messaged or talked to him.

*You did amazing! Congrats! Can’t wait till you get home, goodnight xx –N*

Liam looked at the messaged, and couldn’t help but grin. Niall thought he did amazing, the thought made his day. He quickly replied to it.

*Hey Ni, Just landed! I’m heading home now, and today will be busy-L*

He waited a few minutes before getting a reply.

*Hey Mr. VMA winner! I’m at your house right now actually.-N*

*Why are you at my house?-L*

*Trying to keep your mum calm.-N*


*She’s a lil irritated with what you wore last night.-N*

*Oh god this should be interesting,-L*

*Nahh, I have her calm-N*

*Good, So what is the plan for tonight?-L*

*Well Harry is coming over to my house with his friend Louis, and then we will go up to the show.-N*


*He is some friend of Harry’s, and he will not shut up about him, I mean Harry claims he’s straight, but I swear he has a crush on this guy.-N*

*Awe, and awesome!-L*

*Now how are you gunna sneak away for the show?-N*

*I’m gunna say that one of my friends is lost, and that I need to go find them.-L*

*I guess that will work-N*

*Anyway I’ll talk to you in a bit, almost home.-L*

Liam was excited, he couldn’t believe how great things were going, and he knew things would just keep getting better.


*2 hours till showtime*

Niall was sitting in his room waiting for Harry and Louis to show up, and they were being as slow as can be. He wanted to get down to Liam’s and go!

“Nialler!” Harry shouted, as he stormed into the room.

“About damn time Haz!”

“Blame Louis, he drives like my grandma.” He replied.

“Hey I have four speeding tickets, if I get one more I could lose my license!” Louis said.

Niall, and Harry both giggled.

“Ni, this is Louis.”

“Nice to meet you, Harry talks about you allot.” Niall said, causing both Harry, and Louis to blush.

“Well shall we go get Liam?” Harry asks, trying to change the subject.

“Yeah let’s go!” Niall shouted, storming off for the door.

The three headed next door to Liam’s house, and as they got there Liam was already waiting by his car.

“Liam, this is Harry, and Louis.” Niall said, as they approached him.

“Nice to finally meet you guys.” Liam says, extending his hand to them.

“Likewise.” Harry says, smiling.

“Ready to go then lads?” Liam asks.

The four got into the car, and sped away, excited for the show.

The car ride to the festival was far from silent, none of them could shut up. They talked about everything, and by the time they arrived Liam felt like he had known Harry and Louis for years.

*45 minutes till showtime*

Nerves were starting to get the best of Liam, but he knew he could pull this off. He managed to get through last night, so he knew he could do this.

He looked at his watch, and realized it was time for him to make his escape from them.

“Hey guys, I just got a text from a friend of mine that was meeting us here, and they are lost I’m gunna go find them.” Liam said, looking nervous.

“Do you want us to come with you?” Harry asked.

“No I got this.” He replied.

“Well you better hurry, the show we came to see is in 40 minutes.”

“I’ll be back in time don’t worry lads.” Liam said, smiling as he walked away, proud of his acting skills.

*10 minutes till showtime*

Niall Harry and Louis, had made their way to their seats, still wondering where Liam was, well only Harry and Louis were wondering.

“He’s gunna miss it!” Harry wined.

“Don’t worry I’m sure he will be here soon.” Niall said, feeling bad for lying, even though in all reality he wasn’t.

“Well if he misses it, he better not bitch.” Louis said, grinning at Harry.

The three fell into silence, so Niall took advantage of the moment, while Harry and Lou were off in their own little world, he pulled out, and sent a quick text to Liam.

*Goodluck xx-N*

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