Chapter 13

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(A/N Sorry if this chapter sucks, but I just really wanted to update!)

Niall stood there staring. He didn’t know what to say. Could all this possibly be real? Was his idol really standing in front of him, and was Liam really Jamie. None of this made any sense to him at all, he felt like he was going to faint. They stood there for a moment, before Liam broke the silence.

“Ni?” Liam said.

“Ye..ah? He stuttered out.

“Do you maybe wanna sit down?”

He nodded, and they sat down on the couch, Niall not taking his eyes off of Liam.

“Niall, are you okay?”

He let out a breath, and began speaking.

“Yeah, I think so. It’s just allot to take in. Just trying to make sense of it all.” He said, still sounding stunned.

“Maybe I should explain some things, shouldn’t I?”

Niall nodded, and Liam began to speak.

“Well I guess this all started in 8th grade, my parents were fighting allot, and it seemed like whatever I did, I still couldn’t escape it. What you saw with me sneaking out at night, was the beginnings of all this.”

“The beginnings?” Niall asked, sounding puzzled.

“Yeah, when I would sneak out at night, I would go down to the river with my guitar, and play. Music became my escape from all the parent drama, and once my parent’s divorce was final, Mum and I moved to the city, and all I would do is sit in my room, and play, so she decided to book me studio time, to try and cheer me up. I was stunned, and it sure did the trick. When I got the masters of the few songs I recorded, they were better than I could have ever imagined, and well I just decided to put them on YouTube, and it just went from there. I was getting requests for more songs, I just went Viral.”

“Well that explains a little bit, but what about the wig, and the stage name?”

“Hahaha, Well when I did my first video, my hair was like this, and as for the name, I thought safety first. Jamie(James), my middle name, and Lee, for Jamie Lee Curtis, I’ve always loved her. Eventually when things starting getting bit, I realized I needed to keep up this “double life”, by day I am Liam James Payne, and by night, or whenever I am doing music I should say, I’m Jamie Lee, YouTube’s biggest musical act.”

“That sounds allot like Hannah Montana.” Niall said, chuckling.

“Well I guess I do get the “Best Of Both Worlds”  Liam said, laughing.

Niall just shook his head.

“What not funny?”

“Not really.” Niall replied.

“So Nialler, you now know my secret, well allot of my secrets.”

“What do you mean allot of your secrets?” Niall asked.

“Well everything about “Jamie” is true, about me, the only difference is a stage name. I was just braver as Jamie for some of them.”

“I have a feeling what you are going to say, and No I will not tell anyone your secret, and you know that I’m gay, and don’t judge me, why would I ever judge you for anything.”

“Thank you Niall, that really means allot.” The brunette said, pulling the Blonde into a tight hug.

“What I wanna know is when am I going to meet you/Jamie’s boyfriend?”

“You’re not, because he only wanted me to gain popularity in his own videos.”

“Oh I’m sorry Li..”

“It’s fine I’m not a bit sad.

“That’s good then.”

The two sat there in a comfortable silence, until Niall had more questions, which Liam gladly answered. He was happy he didn’t have to hide it from him anymore, and that it didn’t make things weird. The feeling he was getting from all of this was indescribable, his heart pounding harder, and harder by the second.

“So Li, what am I gunna tell Harry, about you not coming? He really wants to meet you.” Niall asked.

“How’s this sound, I’ll ride up to the show with you guys, and my friends, that were coming to see the show, and then around the time I go on, I will disappear, and return after the show. We can tell Harry that I already had tickets, so you could use the third to bring a date or somethimg.”

“That works.” Niall said, smiling.

“Good, now what to do? We could watch a movie, play a game, or I could give you a sneak peak of my new music.”

“I wanna be surprised, let’s just watch a movie.” Niall replied.

Liam nodded, and went to put Niall’s favorite movie in, before grabbing a blanket, and cuddling up on the couch with Niall.

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