Chapter 4

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(A/N Next part! I will try to update one more time tonight, but no promises, I work early tomorrow.)

Niall woke up the next morning to his alarm making an obnoxious noise. He had a headache from hell, and the sound was just making it worse. He fumbled around with the clock until the sound finally stopped, and sat up with a loud groan. How much did I drink last night? He thought to himself, as he got up, and walked into his bathroom. He raided his medicine cabinet until he finally found some Advil, and popped two into his mouth.

He made his way downstairs in search of food, he may be hung over, but his appetite never failed. As he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by his mother, who was sitting at the table reading the paper.

“Good morning hun, drink a little too much lastnight?”  

“You could say that I guess.” Niall said, puring himself a bowl of cereal.

“Well If you had listened to me, and not drank, you wouldn’t have been hung over.” She said, giving him a stern look.

“Yeah yeah yeah.”

“So did you see we have new neighbors?” She asked him.

“Yeah I met the son last night, he was a douche bag.”


“Sorry mum.”

“And he was a jerk huh, that doesn’t sound like the Liam I know.”


“Yeah Liam and his mother moved back to town, and bought their old house!”

“How do you know?” Niall asked, looking confused.

“Well I spoke to Karen silly.”

“Then if that was Liam why was he so rude to me?”

“She told me that he has had allot going on, and this move on top of all that just has him worn out, I’m sure he meant nothing by it.”


As soon as Niall was finished with his breakfast he instantly went up to his room to call Harry.”


“What Niall, I’m hung over, and I just want to sleep.”

“Well guess who my new neighbor is.”

“The Queen.” Harry said, in a sarcastic tone.

“Very funny Hazza, it’s Liam.”

“Liam… Wait your Liam?


“So your telling me your new neighbor, and the boy you were drooling over is Liam, your former neighbor, and old bff?”


“He sure didn’t seem like the Liam you told me about, he was a straight douche, and why would you rebuy your old house?”

“I’m not sure why he acted the way he did, and Idk, oh he just pulled into their driveway.”

“Stalking him now?”

“No just trying to sort all this out.”

“Well you have fun with that Ni, I’m going back to bed.”

“Later Haz.”

Niall hung up the phone, and continued looking out his window, as Liam got out of his car. He looked so cheerful, much like his usual self, well usual as he was when they were little. He wondered why Liam had been such a jerk to him, maybe he didn’t recognize him, or maybe he was just stressed like him mom had said. All Niall knew was that maybe this was his chance to rekindle his friendship with Liam, but how?

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