Chapter 9

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(A/N YAY ANOTHER UPDATE! Hopefully there will be more tonight idk yet.)

Liam honestly did feel bad that he had to bail on Niall, but this was work, and work came first. As soon as he got to his house, there was a limo waiting for him. He quickly sent his mom a text, and got in. Today was going to be long, because not only did he have to rehearse for the VMAS, he also had to rehearse for his concert, and shoot some videos for it.

Liam was amazed when he walked into the studio, there were pieces of his stage being put together, his vision was becoming a reality, and it looked even more amazing now that it’s coming to life. He couldn’t wait to finally get on that stage, his stage.

“Ahh Liam you’re here!” Zayn said, as he approached him.

“Hey Zayn,”

“So what do you think?”

“It’s AMAZING, better than I ever dreamed!” He said, jumping for joy.

“So have you ready for rehearsals?”

“Yes I am so ready for this let’s do it!”

“Well first things first, we need to get your wig on you, you need to update your channel, or do a twit cam about all this, telling your fans about what’s going on, and about the changes that are about to come with your music.”


Niall sat in his room scrolling through twitter, he had nothing better to do, since Liam had to leave. He thought it seemed a little weird, but he wasn’t going to question it, especially if he wanted to make up with him.

As he was scrolling through his twitter feed, he saw that Jamie Lee was about to do a twitcam. Niall about jumped for joy, he never missed a twitcam, so he quickly clicked the link, and after a few minutes of waiting it started, he looked more perfect than ever, especially with the new blue highlights in his hair.

Hey guys Jamie here! I know it’s been a while since I last did a twitcam, but I have been very very busy. I recently moved to a new house, and have been in the studio recording new songs, and shooting new videos. Allot has been going on, and I want to tell you about it all, but first I will answer some questions if you want.

Niall heard that, and instantly began typing

@BlNdLeP93:I love the new hair, and I can’t wait to see you on the VMAS.

Well @BlNdLeP, I am incredibly excited for them, I am starting rehearsals today, and thank you, I thought I would try something new.

After about twenty minutes of questions Jamie finally started to update them all

Well that’s enough questions for the moment, I have allot to fill you guys in on. As you all know I am now finally 18! Yay me! Anyway I have also reached one million subscribers on YouTube, and for that I want to thank you all! I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you guys. Since I am now 18 my music is about to change, I’m trying something new, not that I don’t love the songs I do now, I just want to make a change, do something a little more mature, and maybe a little more sexy*giggles*. I will be premiering a totally new song at the VMAS that I am in love with, and I really hope you guys like the new stuff, I have worked so hard on it, and am just in love with it, and right after my performance at the VMAS the video to the song will be uploaded to my channel. A few weeks after that the album will drop, and I will tell you this now, it has been labeled with a parental advisory, if that tells you anything about how much of a change it will be, but as I said I’m 18 now, and feel it’s the right time. Well I’m getting signaled, that it’s time to do a run through of the performance, so I will talk to you guys soon, I hope to see some of you at the VMAS, and my first ever concert!

When Jamie finally singed out, Niall was beyond excited, he had responded to his tweet!, and new music! It was fantastic.


All you people look at me like I'm a little boy Well, did you ever think it'd be okay for me to step into this world?Always saying "Little boy, don't step into the club”


I'm a slave for you(Here we go)I won't deny it(Yeah, yeah)I'm not trying to hide it(Yeah, like that)

“Liam, that was fantastic, you are more than ready for the VMAS, and this will stun them all to say the least!” Zayn, said, handing him a bottle of water.

“Thanks, I think I’m ready for it.” Liam replied, panting.

“Well I would say you have put in a good days work, go home, and get some rest, we will do another run through next week, then it’s off to L.A.”

“Can’t wait! See you next week!” Liam said, as he pulled off his wig, and heading for his limo.

(A/N Yes I know the song is not a 1D song, It is Slave 4 U by Britney Spears. Normally I don't like to have the boys sing songs in my stories, that are not their's, but in this one for Liam being solo, and not being in the group I am using them. All right to that song go to Britney Spears, and Jive Records, and since this is an AU, Britney didn't do the song haha, but no one not even Liam could top Britney's version if they covered it, since Britney is the QUEEN!, sorry I'm rambling!)

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