Chapter 7

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(A/N Okay guys first update of the night! I hope to post a few tonight since I don't work tomorrow!)

It was the end of their shift, and Niall was beat, all he wanted to do was go home, and sleep, but still he needed to talk to Liam. As Niall walked out of the building he searched for Liam. He couldn’t have disappeared that fast. He thought to himself, he had just walked out.

Suddenly Niall heard the sound of a car starting, and saw Liam in it. He quickly walked up to it, and Liam rolled down the window.

“Need something?” He asked.

“Well I was wondering if maybe I could talk to you, maybe we can catch up.” Niall replied

“Really, you wanna talk? Well why didn’t you come around, let’s see I don’t know ten years ago?”


“Save it Niall, if you really wanted to talk to me, you wouldn’t have just abandoned me like you did. I spend enough time wondering why you stopped talking to me, and now you want to just jump back into my life, no not gunna happen, I’ll be nice to you, but that’s only since we work together, but all chances of repairing our friendship died long ago. I spend too many nights crying over it.” Liam said, sounding irritated.

“Liam it wasn’t like that, and you know it. I didn’t ask for my mom to put me in that school.”

“Well you still lived next door, and you didn’t even bother trying to hang out, and that hurt. I would go over to your house, and you would never be there. Your mom would tell me your with Harry. I understand you had to make new friends, but you could have at least introduced me, spent time with both of us, but you didn’t.”

“Li, I…”

“Only my friends can call me that.”

“I never stopped being your frie…”

“Enough Niall.”

“At least give me a chance to show you that I’m serious, and that I never stopped caring.”

Liam let out a sigh.

“Alright you get one chance to prove it to me! If you can prove to me that this whole thing is just one big misunderstanding, then maybe just maybe I will consider trying to rebuild our friendship,”

“Alright, come by my house tomorrow.”

“Whatever.” Liam said, and sped away.

One chance… How was he ever going to show Liam, how hurt he was too, how much he missed him. This was going to be a long night, but in the end it would be worth it he hoped. He let out a sigh, as he got in his car, and headed home, knowing that he had allot of work to do.


Liam tossed his hoodie on the couch, as he walked into his room, He was stressed beyond belief now. Was he serious? After all these years he wants to talk to me, he wants to be my friend. Where was he all the times I needed my BEST friend, where was he when I need a shoulder to cry on, when my parents filed for divorce, when I started becoming confused about myself? Liam thought to himself, he thought of all the good times, Niall missed out on in his life, his first hit song, his first music video, his 16th birthday. All the times he so deeply wished he could have shared with Niall.

Liam had allot to think about in such a short period of time, maybe Niall wasn’t lying to him, he didn’t know. Liam decided that it was best to just suck it up, and talk to him, but for now all he wanted to do was sleep, so this awkward night would end.

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