Beautiful Night

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It was the evening, and Martha still hadn't come to me.

At this point, I was worried. I was completely out of everything she had brought since her little incident.

Who am I kidding, I can't survive without her help.

I began to sob lightly. Great, now I'm a fool on a hill crying and watching the world spinning around.

But I can't do this forever. I need to do something with my life.

Perhaps the nature around me can help. After all, I should focus on what drew me into this garden.

It was a beautiful night in the garden. The sun was in the process of setting and the flowers were blowing in the wind.

In my opinion, it was when these lands were the prettiest.

Linda had flown by briefly.

"Linda! Oh, you're just the sweet bluebird I was looking for."

For once, she let me get closer to her.

"Aw, are you actually going to let me truly admire your beauty? You're very pretty, Linda, just like the real girl..."

She crawled on my arm, and with that, she pooped on me and flew away.

"Oh, wow. Ta, Linda. You certainly aren't as nice as the actual Linda, that's for sure..."

I walked down to the shore to wash it off, Linda flying above me.

I sighed. "I need some paper. I've got to write a song about that bluebird."

The stars began to shine. I headed back to my hut, peeking out every so often.

Things can go wrong. Things can go right. Things can go bump in the dead of the night.

My stomach growled again. I needed Martha to come back. I will die without her.

Also, if you're reading this on the day it was posted, happy birthday Paul! Your party will be fun 😊

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