I'll be Traveling Tonight

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The sky was painted with various hues of yellow and orange. It was simply gorgeous.

So tell me, why am I still crying?

"Paul, no..." Linda frowned, picking a flower and handing it to me.

"Daddy, don't cry..."

Heather was such a sweet child. She had attempted to make a flower crown, placing it on me. She crawled into my lap, giving me a small hug.

"I wish you weren't so sad, daddy."

Linda sighed. "Come on, everyone, we're going home."

As we were driving home, nightfall fell upon us. It was difficult to see, but in my eyes, my vision was blurred more with each teardrop.

Is all of this really that big of a deal?

I know you're probably asking that now, but to me, it was. Especially when All Things Must Pass plays on the radio.

Nobody said a word the entire rough ride home.

Martha jumped on us the second we walked through the door. Well, on me, mostly. She favored me.

Before I could walk back to the bedroom to relax, Martha scratched my leg lightly to grab my attention, holding her leash in her mouth.

"It's late, silly girl. We can't go out now. I know you haven't been out all day, but-"

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I thought that if I took her for a walk, I could clear my mind.

Even if evening was turning to dusk with each passing second, Martha never failed to cheer me up, no matter the situation. A peaceful night alone with her should help.

"Linda? I'm going to take Martha for a walk."

"Now? It's late, Paulie, can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"I was going to, but she hasn't been out all day because we were gone, plus I feel like it'll help clear my mind."

"Ok, you've got a point. Just be back soon, I'm going to bed because I'm exhausted, so goodnight."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

Martha jumped around in excitement as I put the leash around her.

We walked around aimlessly, getting ourselves lost in the process. This isn't like me. Then again, my current state wasn't like me at all.

I let Martha do her business so we could go home, but no matter what, the world wanted to put me down in every way possible...

A store full of TVs had to be showing a new interview of George Harrison discussing his new album, All Things Must Pass.

I hid in an alleyway to avoid any fans. I didn't need that right now.

I began weeping once again. Although this time, Martha was kind enough to lick my face of them.

"Ta, Martha. I don't know what I'd do without you. Now let's go home, shall we?"

I followed Martha's lead as she took me home, until I glanced at some scattered bushes and trees into the distance.

She looked back at me, wondering why I wasn't walking with her anymore.

I crouched down to her level, holding her close to me.

"You know your way home, correct?"

She nodded.

"I need you to go home on your own."

She tilted her head to the side, perplexed.

"There's something I need to do, and if you end up getting hurt, I'd never forgive myself. Please, just do it for your own good."

I gave her one more kiss on her head. She whined before obeying my orders.

"Be safe, Martha. Be safe."

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