Get Me Out of Here

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Linda and her team followed Martha's instinct, crawling through the bush with no hesitation.

There I lay, bruises and scratches here, there, and everywhere.


"Heather? Linda? Wait...what are you guys doing here?"

"Paul, we were worried. We all teamed up to find you." Ringo stated.

I glanced at Martha, who looked deprived of her life. Poor baby.

She thoroughly eyed me, taking in every single injury. She knew she couldn't heal them all.

I looked at her with anger at first, but after truly thinking it over, I knew it was the right thing to do.

"Ta, Martha. I'm glad you let our secret slip out."

Martha tilted her head to the side.

Tears started to flow out like a waterfall.

"Guys, I first found this place wanting to hide away from the stressful modern world. I was taking a walk with Martha and sent her back home to explore, which eventually led to this beautiful garden being my temporary home. I never knew how to survive, and Martha missed me dearly, so she found me, and we made a plan for her to bring me food and supplies. She brought me enough to build a hut, which was destroyed today. That's why she left. She kept coming back to me."

Everyone frowned. A few even started crying themselves.

"I can safely say I've made a big mistake. I went insane from all the pressure put on me. I put Martha in a great deal of pain. I was attacked by a bear today, and please, please, I beg of you... get me out of here."

John approached me, holding my hand.

"Macca...I know we've had our share of fights in these last few years. But I promise you, I will always love you. Although Linda is yours now, you know that I will be your first true lover. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you..."

His voice began to crack. He hated crying, but he couldn't take it.

"Paul...I'm sorry for all the drama I've caused. Please forgive me."

"Johnny, of course I forgive you. I just want you back."

We shared the most passionate hug until John pushed me down the hill.

"Hey! I'd get you for that if I wasn't so weak..."

He continued play fighting with me, until Martha bit John on the arm three times.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Martha! Don't hurt John, he's just playing."

John laughs and helps me up.

With that, I finally return home. The rest of the night was spent patching me up, and finally sleeping in a real bed for once.

Martha happily slept by our feet, enjoying my presence.

I wrapped my arms around Linda's waist, singing a song before golden slumbers filled my eyes.

"I used to ride on my fast city line, singing songs that I thought were mine alone, alone."

She still gave her backing vocals on the necessary parts.

"Now let me lie with my love, for the time, I am home, home, home."

I am forever home.

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