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Yet another night of no progress, and everyone was fed up.

"Mommy...we didn't find him..." Heather sobbed.

"I know, dear. It's been this way for a few days now. We just don't know where he went. At this point, why don't we just give up? What if he did this all on purpose?"


John playfully slapped her. "Don't you dare say that. You know he's out there somewhere. We're not giving up until we find that boy. After all, looking for him made me realize just how much I care for him...I was a monster for those things I said..." he looked away to avoid bawling.

"Well, we could always go to the police," George suggested. "They'll probably do a better job than us. But first, can we eat? I ran out of jelly babies while searching and I'm starving."

Yoko rolled her eyes. "Of course you are." He gave her a dirty look.

George's wish was granted, and they left for the police station.

"Aren't you coming, Martha?" Heather wondered.

She shook her head and left the room.

They arrived at the station, Linda discussing the problem.

"What can I do for you, ma'am?"

"My husband is missing. I haven't seen him in days."

"Ok, what's his name?"

"Paul McCartney."

He chuckled. "You must be joking."


"Well, for one, why would he be missing? He's basically the richest man on Earth. Second, there's no way you're married to him."

"I am. I have proof that I'm not lying. Guys, come in, I need you!"

Everyone gathered around her.

" aren't kidding. I mean, if the rest of the Beatles and their wives are you're the one that people don't like because you stole Paul from them!"

"Um...fine, whatever. Just find him for me, please."

"We'll try our best, ma'am."

Later that night, I was enjoying myself on the beach, the sound of the crashing waves calming me. I sat down on the damp sand, the feeling of the cool ocean around my ankles tickling me.

I was about to return to my hut to call it a night, but the sound of police sirens scared me.

At this point, I was worried. It could just be nothing, but it could also mean that they had them try to find me themselves.

I wish I had Martha to comfort me right now...

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