1. Nostalgia

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What a wonderful place. Despite it's cold, snowy weather, it feels refreshing. The wind blows, dead leaves fall. Can't help but feel nostalgic. Curiously enough, it feels like home. Not everyone would be able to agree on that, but it's what helps her clear her head. The silence is loud, nothing to be heard except the steps on the freshly fallen snow. It feels like time has stopped. The only missing thing would be-

Aekls thoughts were interrupted by a snowball crashing on her back. She quickly placed herself in a fighting stance, on alert, looking for any subtle movements. Nothing.

Another snowball barely flew past her shoulder, which distracted her attention from the next one hitting the back of her head.

"Alrightt now, come on out." This pattern of attacks felt quite familiar to her already. She could sense that teasing playfulness from miles away. But no response was heard.

"Hard way it is then" She smirked, and grabbed a pile of snow, making a few snowballs for herself. Then carefully moved next to a tree trunk to serve as a shield if the attack comes from the back. But that was only a distraction. The attack was about to hit her from the top.

She was quicker. She flew up above the tree, and attacked her opponent from the top before they could make their move.

"OWh- wAiT-" That unexpected turn threw the boy off the tree into a soft pile of snow on the ground.

"That's what you get you cricket!" She laughed in satisfaction "That's for the prank you pulled on me last time!"

"In my defence! I was just-" He was interrupted once again by a snowball that was launched straight onto his forehead.

"And THAT was from Diluc!"

"Whose side are you on!?!?" He laughed again and proceeded with the snowball fight. "I mighttt've stolen one bottle from the Tavern, nothing to feel sulky about!"

"One? I counted five?"

"Close enough" He rolled his eyes.

Aekls and Venti were best friends for as long as she can remember. They never held grudges against each other, and always had the other's back. Venti would often travel with her regarding her job related trips, simply for the sake to keep her company. They understand each other like no other, and have developed one of the strongest bonds.

Both friends had dropped down on the snow next to each other, catching their breath.

"Temporary truce?" Venti announced.

"As if!! I'll beat your ass" She replied

"You'll never surpass me in the snowball fights and you know it!"

"Wanna bet?!"

"Betting Wine?"


"I'm in!"

"Forget it I was joking. You can't afford it anyway" She said mockingly, pulling her tongue.

"yOu CAn't AFfORd iT aNyWaY"

Both of them were now looking up at the cloudy sky. The past memories started to make their way into their minds. Which weren't always the happy ones.

"Heyy..." The boy started


"Isn't it close to that time of the year?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your birthday? You can't possibly tell me you forgot your own birthday?!"

"Oh!...That date... completely slips my mind nowadays."

"I know you don't like surprises so I'll let you know that I'll be planning all sorts of activities for that day and you better look forward to it! One of them includes you going back home too! :D"

"Wait seriously?! But I have job duties-"

"Shut it. I'll take care of it."

"Venti...When was the last time you took any kind of responsibility?"

"I don't remember but just this once I can do it. You need not worry. Trust me" He said, smiling back at her "It's your day, and you deserve a good break. Count on me, when did I ever do boring things?"

"Can't tell" She sighed, turning her attention back to the sky

"Right? I'm just that awesome!"


A moment of comfortable silence has passed. Weirdly there was that one question that kept tormenting Aekls mind that she never brought up.



"Why the wings? What have I ever done for such a gift?"

There was a moment of hesitation. Maybe because he didn't have a proper reason either.

"Because you always had a wish to fly. Ever since you were born. So I decided to give you the possibility to do so. I didn't have any way of knowing if you'll ever get a vision, but i still wished you were safe. No matter where you were. They could always protect you when I wasn't around. Like a shield!"

"That's....soooo cheesy-"

"Don't even DARE mentioning cheese in my presence. Even when it's not even about cheese." He said in an annoyed tone, interrupting her mid-sentence with another snowball.

Although she tried to make fun of him, they both knew that she felt moved by that action.

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