5. Backstory - The Ally

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As expected, with the vision, the experiments kept getting harder.

She now turned 14.

With every experiment, she became faster, more agile, observative in battles. She learned on her own how to avoid missiles, and found ways to disable newly built ruin hunters. Which, to her satisfaction, made Dottore more and more frustrated with his work. Aekls was dragged back into her cell, barely standing on her own feet. Unlike Dottore, the agents working with the harbinger developed some sympathy towards her. They became more gentle over time and would help her get back. Sometimes, they would encourage her and tell her that she did a good job. Once alone in her cell, she moved closer to the little window. Past thoughts and nostalgia rushed to her like waves and kept swirling like raging tornadoes, her energy completely vanishing. Venti was still trying to find a way to get her out, but bargaining with Dottore or the Cryo Archon were not the best options.

("Why am I still doing this", "Who am I suffering for", "Am I still alive because I want to gain my freedom?", "Or because I want to prove that I am capable of winning?", "Am I trying to prove my worth?", "If I die now, Dottore would be pissed, isn't that what I want?"). Tears began running down her face. It was the first time in years that she's lost the motivation to fight back. She wanted to see the sky, feel the wind, at least for the last time.

"I'm sorry.." a quiet whisper escaped her lips, as she leaned her back against the bars.

"Is anybody in there?" A rather shaky, tired voice came from outside the walls.

"Seems like it" she murmured with an emotionless tone, wiping her tears.

"No way," said the boy "Are you crying? Why are you in there". Seems like the boy was resting against that wall as well. It appears that he just now became aware of his surroundings.

"Don't you know what this place is?"

"I mean, this looks like Dottore's experimenting building, I think. How long have you been in there for?" The boy asked.

Aekls fell silent. She needed a moment to reconnect with the time. There was no clock nor calendar in the cell. However, she overheard the guards talking once, filling in the newbies about her condition.

"I uh.."

He noticed weakness in her voice, as If her consciousness was dissociating. He spoke again, trying to keep her focused on something "Ah- uhm... I'm Ajax.. by the way. You appear to be the same age as me" He introduced himself, peeking through the little window. "How should I call you?"

"I'm-" she hesitated, no one called her by her name anymore. She remembers it, but seems like she doesn't have any strength to pronounce it. The image of her sister's face, her parents, were nothing more than a distant memory. Tears are menacing to come out once again. "I just wish I could be outside right now, even for a little bit.." she finally said, completely forgetting the boy's question.

The boy thought for a moment.

"I have an idea.. maybe not the best one, but better than nothing" he scratched the back of his head, waiting for any response.

Aekls turned her head around and looked at the boy. He had orange hair, clothes seeming like he's been fighting, or.... running from something as if his life depended on it.

"Here, extend your arms and legs through the bars. I think you'd be able to reach the snow. It should feel refreshing"

She did as he said. He was right, It did feel better. It was cold, windy. But she didn't mind any of it. He passed her a pile of snow through the bars, as it melted in her hand.

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