9. The masked man (3)

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It took several months for the official announcement. Ajax finally turned 18 and received his harbinger title and Alias. Also, under any circumstances, he made Aekls promise to refer to him only by this Alias. Especially when they were in public. That was the sole condition he had when he agreed to bring her with him to Liyue. He wasn't exactly going to share any details of his missions with her due to the orders he had received, but honestly she couldn't care less about Fatui's plans. All she wanted was to act like the naive little assistant that she was assigned to be on that trip. They both moved to a luxurious residence that was supposed to be their "temporary" house in the city.

"Was the castle look really necessary?"

"Wouldn't call that a castle, but this mansion will do for now. Can't let us stay in any of the little houses with the profit we have, can I" He said, pulling his tongue at the girl. "Gotta give my family the best life since i'm at it"

"You're spoiled. The harbinger salary got to your head, didn't it?"

He tried to laugh it off and roughly ruffled the top of her head. "Don't complain now. You should be thankful I even brought you here to begin with, little one"

"I'm only a year younger than you, don't treat me like a child. We will be the same age again in like 10 months." She muttered under her breath.

"Childe..." One of the Fatui's ladies called out to Tartaglia a few feet away from the door. "We need you at the Bank asap. Please come with me."

"Right away! Give me a moment" He called out to her and turned back to Aekls. "Alright my job starts here. If you need anything you can ask my minions around town so I could be notified of your requests." He smiled, ruffling her hair once again before taking his leave. She blew on the strands of hair that were now in her sight and took a deep breath. "Don't run into troubles though!"

The moment the door shut, she made a 180 to take a look around but was now facing Venti, who is floating upside down, a wide grin on his face. "Hey bestie :)"

"AHH" She screamed in surprise "Stop this!"

"Now that you're here, what shall we do?" He said, doing a flip in mid-air and landing back on his two feet. "How about we go straight to Mondstadt?? Oh! Or we could go for a few drinks! Oh no wait! Let's go prank some people! I say we start with my good old friend the geo Archon" He said with a cheeky grin. "He does come to the city once in a while for visits, we shall start planning a fun gift for his arrival."

"Yeah no, we're not doing that"

"Ugh fine. Next time though for sure! Nonetheless, I shall still start a list of pranks I wanted to pull on people. You definitely won't get bored with me here."

Where does he even get so much energy from?

"Haah alright Venti. Pranking sounds fun. Let me know when you're done with your list." The exhaustion took over and she dragged herself to the nearby couch. "For now I might take some time to settle in. Maybe starting with a little nap and explore the areas."

"Don't adventure too much on the sacred lands though. You got in trouble for that last time."

"Don't worry. This time I'm more prepared"


This time was different. Over the months, she managed to do enough research about the region and get more familiar with the rules. Plus, it's not like she was putting herself in danger by walking into cleansing rituals in the middle of the night. It wouldn't trouble anyone. Her gut was leading her towards Jueyun Karst. The same feeling was telling her that it was a bad idea. But her training should start somewhere, right? The monsters around that area weren't affected by the dark aura like they were a few months back. It would be a perfect warm up. At the first glance, anyone would probably see Aekls as a fragile little girl that's constantly running into troubles. However this wasn't exactly the case. 3 whole years of experiments and Fatui training with Childe built her up enough to be a warrior. Childe is a good teacher but the training always turns out to be about himself. Constantly seeking improvement and strength in his own capabilities. Not much wisdom to share here. The only given rule: To fight till you can't fight anymore. Maybe it fits his style but Aekls believes she could find a better approach for hers.

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