8. The masked man (2)

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His muscles slowly began to relax. That little action miraculously dismissed those dark waves like a spell, allowing the boy to breathe again. His breath was shaky. It took a few minutes before he could bring himself up. He raised his head up to look at Aekls.

He was confused. "How- What did you do just now?"


"I u-uhm.." She stuttered

His gaze wandered for a few seconds, then stopped when he saw the vision that was attached to her jacket. "Do you possess some healing ability?" He asked, focusing on her face again.

"N-no..I mean..I don't think it's in my capacity...as far as I know.." She rubbed the back of her head nervously. Both of them fell silent. Their thoughts got interrupted by intense yelling that was now coming their way. Without a word, he grabbed her wrist, and the next thing she knew, they both ended up in a completely different location. She looked around and realized they were on a mountaintop. It was brighter. The clouds completely vanished.

The silence was loud. The boy stood up to check the surroundings, to make sure he got them in a safer place. She awkwardly sat there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do next, or where to go. For all she knew, she was way safer with this guy than wandering alone in the woods in the middle of the night.


She got startled by the sudden sound of his voice and looked up. He was standing by the edge of the cliff, looking in the distance. He let out a frustrated sigh and turned around, folding his arms across the chest.

"You have to leave these grounds immediately. It is not safe out here." He said

"These hilichurls..-"

"-Are nothing you need to concern yourself with. I've been dealing with them for the past weeks. I am well aware they are still causing trouble in the villages. But these mortals will have to be a bit more patient for the time being."

"Seems like a painful job, to do this on a daily basis I mean" She stated, looking down at her hands "People must be very thankful to be having such a strong guardian looking after them"

The boy silently looked at her, keeping that poker face he had since the beginning. She started to wonder if she had said too much.

"Say.." He started hesitantly, "Whatever you said earlier.. You wanted to thank me, yet it appears you've never even set foot in Liyue before". She realized that this was indeed a silly thing to say. He didn't do anything, therefore she had no reason of thanking him for anything. "Don't misunderstand, I don't need your gratitude. I just wonder why you said it."

"..I guess it's because I've simply always been fascinated by the stories" She sighed "I've heard a lot about the history of Liyue's guardians. Even though I'm aware that most of these stories might not be completely accurate.."


"But..I've always been mesmerized by what Rex Lapis and the Adepti have done for their people. Even to this day, you continue to protect everyone by keeping the peace and balance within the nation. Without expecting anything in return."

The boy kept quiet, his gaze inviting her to continue.

"It seems that.. most got so used to it they began taking this protection for granted. Isn't it a bit unfair?"

"I don't bother myself with what's fair and what isn't. As long as the job gets done, this is all that matters. If you were saying that only because you felt bad for me,-"

"Oh no, no. With utmost sincerity, I personally wanted to express my respect for everything you do for the city! Even if I don't have anything to do with it. Don't misunderstand." she hurried the reply.

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