2. Backstory - Childhood Friend

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Venti doesn't like to be referred to as an archon. Least of all, ruling over his people. This is why he integrated Mondstadt as an average bard. He would spend his time drinking, performing for a crowd, entertain children, and live the life of a mere mortal on a daily basis. A free life. But it gets boring, and he can't help but remind himself of the old days. It would get melancholic. One day, as he was looking for something to keep his mind busy, he took a trip to Sumeru for a change of scenery. He was startled by a loud thump coming from a nearby house.

Seeking through a blind spot, he noticed a little girl rubbing the back of her head annoyingly, in the backyard of the house. Where are her parents?? She must've bumped into something on accident. That forced a chuckle out of him though. The little girl had a good ear, and turned to the direction the laugh came from. She didn't seem old enough to talk, so she just looked at the boy with a blank stare. Discovered, Venti smiled and revealed himself to the kid.

"Seems like you're having too much energy for that little body of yours. Does it hurt?" He said mockingly.

The girl didn't reply but pouted in response and looked aways. Although she didn't say anything, she seemed to understand what the boy said. She looked back at him and pointed to the tree branches.

"Ohh~? So you were trying to climb that tree. What for?"

The girl didn't know what to say. She crawled to a nearby bush, flapped her hands as if they were wings, and pointed to the bush. He heard some panicked chirping.

"I see! You wanted to bring that little baby bird back to its nest!" The boy exclaimed, "Let me handle it-"

Before the boy could take off with the bird in his hands, the girl tugged on his cloak to stop him"

"What? YOU, want to do it?" the girl nodded. "Alright~here, hold her tight, I will help you"

The next thing she knew, a strong wind current pushed both of them into the air. It was fascinating! The girl's eyes widened, and a big smile appeared on her face. Venti couldn't tell whether the happiness she felt was to her floating in mid-air, or the fact that she was able to help that bird. Either way, it made her happy.

"It sure doesn't take much to make you smile huh." He said after safely leading her back to the ground. A slight expression of disappointment appeared on her face, which amused Venti.

"Seems like your parents are coming back, I gotta take my leave. Oh- but before i leave," he looked at her crawling towards him, seemingly not wanting him to leave,"talk about Ven-ti to your parents for me will you?" He said jokingly, before smoothly flying away with the wind.


The next day, he hesitated to come back. He convinced himself that it was only to check up on her. Some irresponsible parents. How could they leave a toddler wandering around on her own, and outside!

On another note, something in that child felt oddly familiar to him. And he couldn't figure out what it was.

"Say.." he started, patting her head as a greeting. "Would you mind playing with me for a while? I bet both of us must be feeling pretty lonely at this time of day."

The girl smiles the moment she sees him and nods in a hurry.

"Awww~ don't smile like that! I might actually get attached. I have an Idea! Let's make a little trip. I'll make sure your parents don't notice you were gone. Oh wait- wouldn't that be considered kidnapping by any chance? Eeeeeh either way. Its only for a few hours."

"F-- Fenti!"

The boy blinked for a moment in confusion. It's the first time she spoke back to him. Were these her first words? It was strange considering she hasn't said a word yesterday. And besides, he only mentioned his name once! What felt stranger, that little action made him feel warm inside. He can't possibly start getting attached to a random kid.

"Yes! Venti will take you for a ride with the wind! Just like last time!"


The wind felt great, it felt fresh, welcoming, and free. The girl was comfortably grasping onto Venti's back. At that moment, he felt an urge to let his thoughts out. She's a kid after all, she won't listen, or even remember it.

"You remind of a friend I had once, you know. Both of you seem to have an unmistakable desire to just fly off and roam free. Unfortunately..." he paused.

"Ironically, freedom is not something you can earn for free, is it? There's always a price to pay for such luxury.."

"Fweedom" the girl said excitedly, once again, startling Venti. She seems to get what it is, without necessarily knowing the meaning of the word.

"Ah~ yes. Freedom" he sighed "Allow me to play you a few songs when we get back. Do you like music?" She held onto him tighter in response. "Fenti.. Fun!"

Again... that warm feeling. Somehow she did manage to make him feel less lonely.


A few days turned into a week, a week turned into a month. Aekls speech improved as she kept spending time with Venti. Her parents were still barely seen around her. Was he unintentionally turning into a babysitter? Not like it bothered him at the moment. Or atleast, not when it conserned her. He wasn't able to visit her every single day, but he would still often try to find time and sneak into the backyard to play with the little girl.

Today, Venti wasn't quite in the mood. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see Aekls in that state, but he promised to pass by and play her a few new tunes.

Luckily, her parents were out on a commission (again), and he could easily slide into the house. Seeing her all excited and jumpy made him feel better already. It was kind of like coming home to a puppy. He would bring her snacks, some fruits, and new tunes to pass some time. The more he spent time with her, the more attached he became. There was nothing special about the child, but she was radiating positivity. Her sole presence was bringing him comfort.

"So? What song do you wish I play for you today Aekls?"

"Fwiend, wind!" she exclaimed

"Ah that one...Are you sure? That song is a bit sad compared to my other ones"

"Song, ... good!"

"Alright if you insist..."

Aekls swayed to the soft melody, but right in the middle of it, Venti's voice became shaky. He didn't realize he was crying until a minute has passed, Aekls silently observed him.

"Ah sorry! ..." he quickly apologized, and wiped his tears, surprised with himself "That song is just too beautiful, in fact, it is my favorite one!"

Aekls moved a bit closer to Venti and placed her small hand on top of his, the one he held the lyre with. "Can't believe I'm crying in front of a child" he chuckled. "It's supposed to be the other way around"

"Venti... sad? We fly" she said, pointing to the sky. "we get apples, we go free"

He chuckled, feeling moved by how caring she was. She remembered the smallest details, the smallest things that Venti liked, anything that would normally help to ease his mind.

"You really like flying don't you Aekls" he finally said.

"Yes!! ... flying, fweedom"

"Then... let me give you a little gift. You were a very good friend to me."

Aekls was only 4 when Venti blessed her with the elemental wings. For some reason, the thought of her getting in any sort of trouble, the thought of anyone hurting her, it scared him. He wanted to protect her when he couldn't be around. Little did he know that this little gift would attract the attention of those who would only bring her harm.

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