7. The masked man

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"I'm off!" She shouted from the first floor.

"Hold on, where do you think you're going?" Ajax shouted back from the stairs. A toothbrush in his mouth.

Aekls was around 16 years old now. Just like Ajax expected, his family insisted on her moving in with them. It was a deal for at least a few days until she could find a place to stay elsewhere. However, even when she was ready to leave, she was held back and asked to stay longer. His parents were happy that Ajax found such a delightful friend. They believed that over time she even began to project a good influence on their troublemaker of a son. They were amused at how well she was able to handle his crazy shenanigans and his change of moods. Ajax, on his side, eventually started acting like her big brother, always too careful and overprotective. The house was always filled with teasing remarks and a happy laid-back atmosphere. The younger ones especially took a liking to the girl. Who knew she would be so comfortable with kids. The thought of Venti quickly passed through her mind again. Maybe it was his childish personality that reflected on her. Either way, they also saw her as an older sister and were really upset when she announced her departure. It was indeed a big family. Ajax also had older siblings. Being a social butterfly, she quickly adjusted to the new environment and got along with everyone. They soon enough found out how reliable she was, and each one of them shared at least one secret with her to deepen their bonds as a family and grow closer to each other. Although these family bonds were not blood-related, it's the closest to a family she has ever experienced. It completely changed her mind about the world in general. Her memories in Dottore's Lair felt like distant nightmares. She would do anything for her new family, and that became one of her biggest priorities.

"I'm...going out? I can't?"

"Is it job-related?"

"Not reall-..maybe?"

"How dARe you lie to your older brother," he said in an offended tone.

"We're the same age AJ, time for you to accept that".

"I'm taller than you therefore I'm older and I'm responsible for you"

"How in Barbatos' name does that even make sense-?...?"

"What do you need to go out for anyways? And where?"

"I need to spread the name of my little mailing business around! You know...since the Tsaritsa didn't really need my services in quite a while. I can't just sit around and do nothing for the rest of my days. I received permission to move around. I'll adventure somewhere nearby Liyue."

"As long as you come back by tomorrow evening. Liyue is quite far you know. And dangerous. Don't forget the self-defense techniques I taught you"

"Yeah yeah, I got it" She rolled her eyes and rushed outside before her "brother," says anything else.


Ahhhh the wind feels fresher than ever. What a good day to glide around. The snow gradually ceased as she approached the end of Snezhnayan territory. Seems like Spring is coming along. It felt warmer. Butterflies flew around, villages were noisy, and not a trace of unwanted trespassers. Only a few hilichurl camps minding their own business in the wild. Should be careful not to disturb them or fly too close!

The day went fairly productive. Aekls managed to get a few mailing commissions from the nearby village. Since it's her first time traveling that far, some kind villagers provided her with a smaller map that includes all of Liyue's regions. That will surely narrow down her search for the receivers of the letters. In general, people were rather friendly. However, some seemed troubled by something. That anxious feeling was levitating above these innocent expressions.

Teyvat's Mailing Dove (Genshin OC Storyline)Where stories live. Discover now