Part 16

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They were finally going to the movies. Remus loved going to the movies. The big screen, the bucket of buttery popcorn, the big drinks, the chocolate candies, the surround sound. He loved all those things, how dark and quiet the room was between scenes. How he, Sirius, James, Lily, Peter, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary could take up a whole aisle.

  So he knew everyone surrounding him. He would also usually sit to the wall with Lily on the other side of him. They would always whisper to each other through out the whole movie. He loved that, he loved the movies so when he found out they were going he didn't even ask the movie.

  When they arrived at the cinema he was so excited he had a smile on his face whilst waiting in line. However Sirius was visibly nervous. He had planed to tell Remus later that night of his feelings for him. He had told all the girls about it. So when Peter, James, and Remus had agreed to go get all the tickets the girls wanted to know what he was going to do.

  All he had replied was "I don't know." And "i'm extremely nervous." Lily smiled she could tell he really was.

"Just talk to him Black." Marlene suggested. He nodded.

  "I know i just...i don't know what to say." He said looking down.

"Well actions can speak louder than words why don't you sit next to him in the theater. Take my usual spot." Lily suggested.

"Are you sure Lil?" Sirius asked she nodded. The boys were back with the tickets and Remus was so happy he was smiling and it was the type of smile that was contagious. Thanks Sirius mouthed to Lily she smiled back they walked in couples hand in hand. Remus went to his usual spot on the inside and Sirius quickly went before Lily taking her usual spot. Lily smiled excited for the movie. She loved going to the movies too and she was excited for the scary movie. James would always get so scared at these and she thought it was the cutest thing.
Sirius sat next to Remus, Remus smiled at him.

"What ya doing here Pads? Lily always sits next to me." Remus smiled curiously.

"Yea well maybe I wanted to sit next to you. You got a problem with that?" Sirius said flirting leaning a little close to him. Remus smiled.

"Not at all. However you should know that means you have to share an armrest with me and I take up a lot of the room." Remus said flirting back leaning a little closer. He pushed his arm over on the arm of the chair pushing against Sirius'. Making Sirius smile.

"No problem." Sirius said laying his arm over Remus'. Remus laughed.

"Shh the movie is starting." Mary said pointing to the screen. It started on a dark night with someone getting killed by a dark figure. Sirius wasn't paying attention though. He kept looking at Remus' hand he wanted to hold it so bad. They had adjusted their arms within ten minutes of the movie. So that they had half of the armrest each. Remus ate some popcorn then a piece of chocolate then a piece of popcorn in that order. Sirius smiled at this he thought it was cute. Within five more minutes Remus had passed some of his chocolate to Sirius. He rarely shared his chocolate. Sirius gladly took a tiny piece and they smiled at each other. Remus tucked the chocolate in his pocket and leaning over Sirius passed his popcorn to Lily. Who passed it to James. Remus took a drink of his pop then set it back in the cup holder. He placed his arm back next to Sirius'. Sirius jumped at a jump scare in the movie making Remus laugh a bit.

"It's not that scary." He whispered to Sirius then jumped at yet another jump scare.

"You where saying?" Sirius asked making Remus roll his eyes. Sirius loved when he did that. He couldn't take it anymore he wanted to hold his hand so bad. He slid his hand a little closer to Remus' so that they where just barely touching. He smiled it wasn't much but it made him happy. Remus noticed and realized he wanted more. When Remus didn't pull back Sirius decide to take it a step further. Watching his hand out the corner of his eyes. He moved it closer to put a bit pressure on Remus' hand. Remus realized he wanted to hold his hand but did not want to make the first move. He flipped his hand around so it was palm up. Sirius at first thought he was pulling away from him then realized he flipped his hand up. Did that mean he wanted me to hold his hand? Sirius asked himself. Sirius didn't even think anymore he just picked his hand up and placed it in Remus' intertwining their fingers. Remus was a bit hesitant at first then slowly squeezed his hand back. Sirius looked at him with a smile and Remus smiled back. They held hands the whole movie. Sirius casually placed his head on Remus shoulder. Remus was so happy. When the movie ended, they let go of each others hands.

"Hey is anyone hungry do you guys wanna go get food?" Sirius asked the group as they walked back to their vehicles. Some of them met up before and some of them came from work.

"I'm hungry I haven't eaten dinner yet." Remus said Lily suddenly got a smile across her face.

"Well we all ate so why don't you guys go eat and come back to the house afterwards." Lily said.

"Sure that sounds good to me. Pads you drive, Lily take my car home." He said throwing his keys to Lily she caught them and they continued to their vehicles. Sirius was nervous. Was this a date? Did he want it to be a date? The answer was absolutely he did but did Remus? They got in the car and put their seatbelts on.

"Hey you ok Pads?" Remus asked concerned because he seemed a little out of it.

"What? Oh yea sorry just hungry." Sirius said pulling out of the parking lot. Sirius set one of his hands on his lap as he drove Remus noticed he was shaky and grabbed it. Sirius smiled at him.

"Dang Pads you must be hungry your shaking."

"Oh yea also i'm a little nervous. I mean because I have no idea what should we get to eat?" Remus smiled.

  "Sure well we could get some takeout and go to our favorite spot or go home with it."

  "Yea sounds great." Sirius smiled as they went and picked up their food Sirius decided to just go back to the house he couldn't tell him he was to nervous. When they got back in Remus headed to his room and Sirius started towards his.

  "Hey where are you going mister we're eating together." Remus gestured to his room. Sirius smiled .

  "I thought you wanted to eat by yourself."

  "No pad foot I wanna eat with you duh." Remus said sitting on his bed and Sirius sat next to him. Remus put on some random movie and they ate.

  "That was so good I'm full." Sirius said rubbing his stomach.

  "I know me too" Remus lied back. Sirius started to get up to leave.

  "Hey where you going." Remus said grabbing Sirius' hand.

  "Oh I was um gonna go to my room." Remus frowned.

  "Stay awhile get comfy, let's talk what's going on." Sirius sat back down looking at their hands as Remus continues to hold Sirius' hand.

  "Nothings going on I'm fine." Sirius smiled looking off.

  "Sirius I can tell when something's going on with you." Remus gets up looking in Sirius' eyes.

  "I'm fine I'm just nervous."

  "You keep saying that since when do I make you nervous." Remus took both Sirius' hands.

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