Part 2

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It was loud and Remus was trying to study in his room. Someone had decided to throw a party in the common room. Remus had been up the night before reading and he had a bunch of homework he never did. He sat in bed trying to do it. He decided after about twenty minutes of the noise he would put on one of Sirius' records. He went over and picked up one. He hated putting these on he could never get it right. He tried but couldn't figure it out. Then James stubbled in.


James yelled with a bottle of some alcohol or potion in his hand.

"Where.. beeeennn?"

Remus rolled his eyes.

"James your shitfaced."

James shook his finger.

" You c...c..crazy Moony. Am not."

Remus walked closer to James.

"Are you going to lay down or tell me to join the party because i do not wanna join the party."

James looked to the ground then stumbled away. Remus walked back to the record player trying to figure it out yet again. Then Sirius slouched his way in. He went over to Remus and fixed the record so it would play. He went to sit on his bed acting calm as if nothing just happened, but Remus grabbed his arm begging him to do something. They made eye contact. Sirius swallowed hard, he grabbed Remus and pulled him in for a hug. Remus pulled him back. He felt Sirius smile into his chest. Sirius looks up at Remus. Sirius says


then starts to walk away. Remus grabs his wrist again pulling him back. Remus tries to meet Sirius' eyes with his but Sirius won't. He is ashamed to be feeling this. Maybe it was because he had wanted to kiss Remus for so long or maybe it was the alcohol. He met Remus' eyes moving his face close to Remus' as their lips almost met Sirius slowly inched his face closer. They can feel their breaths hitting each others faces. Foreheads touching. Then the door slams open and they both jump back. Lily comes falling in with James both of them on the floor laughing.

"Guyyyyss help."

Lily says with a laugh on the floor with her arm behind james' head. Sirius looks at James and Lily uncomfortable and goes to help. He picks up James and helps him to bed. Remus does the same with Lily putting her on his bed. He then sits on the floor with his homework. He only has a couple paragraphs left then he is done. He lays on the floor and Sirius says.

"No i will sleep on the floor you can have my bed."

He pushes Remus onto his bed and lays on the floor. Remus opposes but sirius insists. Remus lays in bed staring at the ceiling a couple hours later. After everyone had fallen asleep. Including Sirius, but Remus didn't like the fact that Sirius was on the hardwood floor all by himself, whilst Remus was in this big, fluffy, warm bed that smelled of Sirius. "Moony?? Moony?" Sirius began talking in his sleep which he did often.

"Pads, Padfoot?"

Remus whispered

"Sirius your talking in your sleep."

"Remus you are so prettyyyyyy."

He sounded delirious. Remus got off the bed and went over to Sirius. He got down next to him and slowly tried to wake him.

"Hey wake up pads."

He rubbed his shoulder till Sirius was slowly awake.


Sirius said quiet and confused.

"Hey you where talking in your sleep."

All that came out of Sirius' mouth was


"Hey pads why don't you come lay in your bed i will be fine on the floor. Your not gonna sleep well."

Sirius just groaned. Remus picked up Sirius. Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus' neck and his legs around his waist. Remus tried setting him on his bed. Sirius wouldn't let go though.

"Pads let go so you can lay down."

Sirius shook his head.

"You lay with me."

He whispered into his ear, then holding Remus tighter.


Remus said laying on the bed with Sirius. Sirius wrapped tight around Remus. He closed his eyes. Remus just admired the boy in his arms. He ran his fingers through Sirius' long dark hair. He nuzzled his face in Sirius' neck. He loved the feeling Sirius gave him. He didn't understand what it was. Just that it was a feeling he hoped would go on forever. Little did he know Sirius was thinking the same thing when he felt Remus' hands go through his hair and graze his neck. Then he thought it was in his head when he felt Remus' face rubbing his neck. Remus had finally fallen asleep as had Sirius. The next morning. Sirius wakes up with Remus' legs and arms wrapped around him. Sirius' head right above Remus' head, with his hand in Remus' golden fluffy hair. Remus' head in Sirius' neck with his lengthy arm around Sirius' waist. Their legs intertwined. Sirius opened the curtain to his bed and  looked around seeing no one. Sirius he just wants to hold Remus in his arms forever. He lays there just listening to the sound of Remus' breathing. Playing with his hair and rubbing his face. He almost laughs when he hears Remus' soft snores. Then remus groans a couple times. He rubs his head against Sirius' neck. Then he starts to open his eyes realizing that is not his pillow but one Sirius Black. He opens his eyes and looks up at Sirius.

"Well good morning sunshine."

Sirius says with a smile that lights up the whole room. 

"What's up?"

Sirius says after Remus' stares at him for about five minutes.

"I love you."

Remus blurts back and immediately regrets. Remus sits up.

"I mean i.. Umm.."

Sirius smiles at a flustered Remus. He sits up in front of him. He takes Remus' hands in his and looks him in the eyes. He leans in till the point where their foreheads are touching. Remus gulps.

"I know, but I was up last night thinking how can you love me when my family can't love me. When I can't. Then I remembered why I loved you. Because you find something good in everyone around you even if you don't show it ."

Sirius says. Sirius lets go of one of Remus' hands and moves Remus' head up to look him in the eye.

"Remus i have and forever will be in love with you. Even just sitting here talking to you makes me love you more. Every conversation i have with you makes me more in love with you  even when we argue."

Remus smiles and grabs Sirius' face. He pulls it close to his and locks their lips together. Sealing their love.

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