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Hello friends,

Thank you for your response.It means a lot to me.While I was writing it I was very excited.And now it becomes doubled after getting your review.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and do votes and comments.It will help me to write more.

And pardon me for unwanted mistakes.

Thank you.🙂


15 June, 2009.

It was a pleasant normal day to breathe.The working people are rushing towards the buses as they were late for office.The children were throwing tantrums on drinking a glass of milk.And the trees as usual singing a melodious song for the lovers using its leaves and branches.

Among the faces 3 people are having a serious face. First Ms. Shivangi who has been assigned to treat an animal who has got bitten itself from an unknown species.

Others were wondering why she took up the case of an mere animal but according to her if it in her hands she will save the whole world.

On another scene a man was typing something on the computer while having a cigarette in his mouth.
(cigarette is injurious for health)

For God sake Mohsin, don’t smoke in front of the computers in the office. These machines have costs us over millions, exclaimed his boss. He simply turned and puffed and then threw it to the dustbin. His boss got relief but for a few seconds only to see that a new one in his mouth and then understood that the earlier one was over.

He sighed deeply and then asked “What about James? Is he still alive?”

Mohsin spoke hoarsely," Why being worried when I am here! I bet you can get no better hacker than me."

His boss replied," Don’t be so over confident of your skills Mohsin. One day this overconfidence might leave you on a great danger. "

Mohsin chuckled on his sentence and face towards the computer again only to know what held for him in the future.


The scene shifted to a man of late 60s who was wearing a white coat wearing safety goggles and having test tubes and funnels on the hands, it was Mr. Wingos.

After the carnival he got stuck to one of his secret laboratories which were unregistered to the government. He rarely ate or drink the supplies he had left with him. He was focused on one thing, ‘To invent the world’s deadliest virus’. After various calculations and experiments he got the thing which he wanted. He had held a rat for his experiment and lastly he has to perform the last stage experiment which will show his success. He injected the  virus into the rat and the rat started shivering and after sometime it stopped moving.

He checked its pulse rate and its showing 0 heart beat. With a sorrow mind he sat down with his hands on his heads but to his luck the rat started to show violent movements and when it woke up again it tried to scratch the glass. For reference he dropped a little bird into the glass vessel and the rat violently tore the bird into pieces. After seeing this he was having an evil smirk on his face.

After that he saw his beloved laboratory and his old notes and then started to lit them down in a few moment the laboratory was burning like anything.

With a smile on his mouth he just carried the vessel containing the rat and handed it to a child of 10 years who were playing with his friends. The child didn’t notice the bird’s parts and blood but took it as a gift.

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