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Hey Guys,

Hope you are fine.Sorry for late update.But I try to compensate you by giving a long update.Hope you enjoy it.

Please do votes and inline comments.It means a lot to me as well as it helps me to grow as a writer.

Thank you.


It was a very big mystery that the city which was full of laughter and joy suddenly turned into a city of deep wailings. There were dead bodies scattered everywhere turning every places into graveyards, the blossoms trees started to shed its leaves unable to hear the wailing sounds of people. Scary children running behind their zombie turned parents were the worst scenario.

But unfortunately they were no longer parents but turned into a thirsty demon that requires blood every time. Alas the child could not escape the act of their parents and his cries became louder when his act of hugging his parents gave him a brutal punishment of being torn into pieces being alive. The scenario turned worse minutes after minutes. The city was painted with red within a blink of an eye. People who were saved from the atrocities were hiding under their bed to cover their ears not to hear the growling sounds of the zombies but alas how can they stop small children from not weeping when she is hungry! Sooner they also found themselves in one of the same company of the zombies.

The scene shifts to the girl who was unaffected of her surroundings and was busy reading some old classics with a big spectacle covering her entire face. On the same time her so called friends or batch mates asked her to join for a mini party as their rude boss had constantly throwing orders whole the week. But our Shivangi politely refused. Her only interest lies with the books and stories.

That is why she is always on the nerd list of her batch mates. They most of the times used to tease her and often managed to get their work done from her. But our Shivangi spoke no words from her mouth. She completely obeyed what others told. All they make fun of hers in every possible ways but she never take their words into her heart. She is still waiting for someone when someone like her grandmother will come to take care of her, love her, make her fell that she belongs to the world and she is not a burden on anyone. She wants someone to ask her whether she had her food or not, whether she is tired or not and all these things should be from heart not to please her to get something done like her so called friends do. But she is least bothered now.

Her tears had dried away when her grandmother was taken away by God. If she wanted also then she can't get her tears back. All she wanted is to weep her heart out on someone's shoulder. Getting her work done, she packed her stuff and moved towards her car which was not so luxurious unlike her other friends. She drove to home and her home welcomed her where she still feels she is not alone. Note her home is far away from the city and the road to her home is very much lonely like her life.


Again on the same time in a different place a boy is sitting having a puff on his 23rd cigarette. His condition is also same as Shivangi in terms of having friends. Mostly they stick around him as he was one of the computer engineers and they were in search of a chance to steal some of his own ideas but alas, who can beat Mohsin. The situation of girls is known to all. Physical attraction! But he gave a damn to anyone. He was on his on attitude not caring about others.


One of his friends David came and started a light conversation with him.

D: Hey bro, how many cigarettes are still waiting to reach over your attractive lips?

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