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Hello peeps,

Hope you are fine this tough time by the grace of Almighty.Hope you enjoy to read this chapter.

And don't  forget to votes and comments.Yesterday "Unwritten Love" had published.Plz do check.You will love the new couple.

Feel free to give any kind of suggestion.
Thank you.


The sun has risen and spread its light on the earth. However the two alone souls are still in their dreamland where they are playing with their beloved ones.

One is hearing stories from her grandma whereas the other has created his own imaginary world where he is getting love from everyone; his every wish are fulfilled with a blink of an eye.

However their destiny didn’t let them enjoy their dreamland they both woke up on the same time.

They are soulmates, aren’t they(? Even though they are early riser however strange, they both were sleeping late.

In Shivi’s home her sleep was broken due to continuous rings of her phone.It was from her department head.She was confused as her shifts start from 10 am and she had never received his call unless when there are matters of promotion or others.Without wasting time she picked up the call.

S: Good morning Sir

Head: Good or not I don’t know but I want you in the office in half an hour.I don’t care what you wear or you come naked but I want you over here on time. Any minute late then you will be fired.

S: Okay sir.

Shivi Pov

This is the biggest irony that how he became head.Ohh how can I forget he is the 57th boyfriend of my company’s real owner Miss Natalia.I don’t know whether this was her original name or not. Last time I heard when she was dating her 56th boyfriend, she was Linda.

God knows how she managed passports when she goes to honeymoon with her boyfriend before marriage.

Well like a country like here it is common but people at least has a slow pace of doing that crazy stuffs but her speed with her boyfriends will defeat the speed of Japan’s bullet train.

(This line is epic😂😂)

I wonder what technology she uses that she never gets pregnant cause in her case the protection kits will be too much friendly but how much longer will it stick to them because she hardly comes out of the room.

Well once I visited her room for a signature and unfortunately her secret room was open and I could see that it was piled with various protection kits all around the world.Cartoons after cartoons were laid down in the room.

I guess the protection kit factories would have become richer because of her. Well you must be wondering how I came to know about these brands of protection kits, well off course residing in a country over here from childhood and seeing people are doing extra PDAs in front of my eyes are the common sight.

Well my office is near a couple’s park and in the dustbins I always found a heap of used packets. No! I don’t look at them but I surely look at the packets having intimate pictures printed on it and then my sight caught the name of the brand. Hey I am not that too bad to go into the dustbin to look over there actually the place is very airy so due to wind the packets sometimes flow here and there and I as a good citizen collect those scraps and put them into dustbins.

Oh God, I have seriously wasted 5 minutes on thinking these stuffs. Hurry up Shivi, otherwise you have to find other company for work.

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