Chapter 2 "Reunion"

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U (screams) - Ahh !!

Everybody sees towards her and gets shocked. She spilled hot tea ☕️ on her hand.

Mnv gets scared and knelt on his knees as he was sitting beside her and starts blowing cool air from mouth.

M - Feeling better ? Yeh kya krti ho Dhyan rakh na chahiye na !!

U - It's nothing Mnv just a little burn. I am fine.

A (Aashna) - No,It's not unns ! You should have taken care. He is right. Anyways first aid !

M - Give,I will do it.

Mnv gently does her first aid and while doing this. They both share a deep eye contact and aren't in their senses.

Everybody starts fake coughing but they weren't disturbed by it so only banging the table was option for rishu.

T (TK) - Unns & Manav bhai, let us also join this staring game !! (In teasing voice)

S - Yes !!

They both get awkward & they all start watching movie 🎥 again.

At night they all were going to sleep together so the arrangements were like TK,Arsh,Sanku,Rishu,Addy,Ashi,Aashna,Unnati & Mnv.

Mnv saw unns turning & tossing and got to know that she isn't able to sleep because of injury.

M - Kya hua ! Sona nhi hai ?

U - Nhi ! Hath Bhari bhari lag rha hai toh rest nhi kar parhi use kahi pe.

M - Koi bat nai ! Mere chest pe hat rakh ke soja o !

U - Are you sure ?

M - Yes (smiled)

She then puts her hand on his chest and sleeps on one side.

Next day .....

Everybody was ready to leave for Mumbai. Mnv was going to stay for one more week in Punjab whereas Ashi,Rishu & Addy were going to Delhi.

They all hugged each other & said final goodbye.

After one week.....

Now Mnv was home and everybody use to meet at DF house & create content together.(Also Delhi gang)

They all were planning for sleep over as they were all together after so long.

A (Arsh)- Deenu ! Are you ready ?

M - Yes, I am but will join a little late because Mom & Dad are taking me somewhere.

A - Okay ! What about you Paa (unns) ?

U - Paa, Me too will join late cause someone is coming home !

Aa - Okay ! Done, So we're doing sleepover tonight.

R - Wowiee !!!!

Unnati was getting ready to meet the one who was coming.

On the other side Mnv was also leaving with his parents for the destination.

At unns House ,

H - Mom ! Unns is ready !

U.M - Okay ! Open the door it's ringing.

Hanita di (unns sister) goes & opens the door.

Unns was in shock seeing the person.

This was it for this chapter will be back soon !!

Don't forget to leave your honest opinion down below and also let me know in comments who do you think the person is ? 🤔💭

Till then see you next time !!

Peace ✌🏻

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