Chapter 3 "Meet !?"

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Unns pov : He ! How come Mnv is here.

Mnv wasn't as shocked because on entering building got to know that he is going to meet someone he already knew.

U - Hello uncle & aunty ! (Touched their feet)

U.M - Hi ! How are you ?

U - I am Fine.

U.D - Beta, Take Mnv to your room & talk !

U - Okay ! Chal Mnv.

They both went inside room and got relaxed and sat on the bed.

U - Manav !

M - Unnati !

U - What is this ? I am not ready for all this !

M - You are right. Me too, We need to tell our parents that we aren't ready .

After few minutes they both go out & see that their parents were looking very happy.

U.M - Oh ! You both came.

Looking at their faces

M.M - It's okay ! We understand, we aren't asking you right now. You have 2 weeks.

U.M - Yes ! Don't worry.

U & M - Hmm

M - We are getting late we have to go to DF house. Let's go !

U - Ya ! Just give me a minute.

They both go to DF house

Looking at them together, All of them were wondering how come they came together.

A - Deenu, Didn't you went to meet a girl with your parents ?

M - Yes, This is the girl, they have chosen for me !

T - So, are you two together ?

U - No tanzu. We have not yet said anything. Btw can we just leave this topic here & continue with our game.

They all their usual movie 🎥 night and then slept.

Few days went normal. Everybody use to meet at DF house & create content & have fun together.

One day....

M - Hey ! Unns. It's almost time !

U - About ?

M - Our decision !

U - Oh ! Ya.

M - I want to talk about it but somewhere alone & not here.

U - Okay ! Dinner tonight.

They both went for Dinner & were talking about usual things.

M - Unns ! About our decision, I want to say .........

This is it for this part do let me know your honest reviews down below and next chapter soon !!

Till then let me know what do you think their decision would be ?

Peace ✌🏻!

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