Chapter 13 "Unns ?!"

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Next day......

Everybody in morning came to visit Unns. She was awake but Mnv & Aashna weren't they were tightly holding her hand and slept siting near her resting their head on her stomach. So she also closed her eyes and didn't realise when she fell asleep.

A - Deenu ! Deenu ! (Whispered)

Due to that Unns woke up.

U - Paa !

Listening to Unns voice. Aashna & Mnv also woke up.

A - Unns ! Do you need something ?

U - No Honey ! Everybody came so I was going to wish them. Hello !

S - Hello vahini ! Feeling better ?

U - Yes, Sanku ! Where is AKTK?

Ad - She is going back to Delhi cause she has to shift. She will be back in two days. And TK has gone to drop her.

U - Oh ! Honey & Mnv you guys go home freshen up take some rest & then come back.

M - No !

U - Manavvv...!

M - Okay,fine !

Then everybody was chilling and joking with Unns. When TK, he quickly goes and hugs Unns.

TK - Unns ! Feeling better ?

U - Yes, my pagal !

Then Mnv & Aashna after one and a half hour came back to hospital. They were sitting and talking to each other when suddenly Unns started breathing heavily.

M - Unns !

She couldn't even speak. They were all really tensed. Arsh & Rishu quickly went out and called the doctor.

They were taking her to OT. Mnv was holding her hand and didn't wanted to leave it but as she was taken he had to.

He was all heartbroken.

Everybody was siting near the OT since past half an hour, nobody saying a word. There was pin drop silence. Mnv was sitting just like a statue, tears rolling down his eyes. Aashna resting her head on Sanket's chest continuously sobbing. Sanket ceasing her hair and sobbing continuously. TK all freaked,tensed,tears making out their way from their eyes. Rishu, Addy & Arsh siting quitely with teary eyes.

Doctor comes out of the OT all tensed.

M - My Unns ?

D - You have to sign some papers we have to prepone surgery cause swelling in her brain is increasing, also she got a anxiety attack.

Manav without replying went towards the reception and signed the papers. Came back saw Unns from the glass. Tears not stopping. He wipes his tears as he was seeing Unns opening her eyes. Everybody did the same. And with smile on there face they did this 👍🏻👍🏻. She smiled back at them reassuring them that she is strong.

Doctor goes inside soon gives her anaesthesia. They all see Unns slowly closing her eyes.

Everybody takes Mnv & Aashna and makes them sit. Mnv hugs TK tightly they both couldn't control anymore and burst out with tears. They hugged each other for long time. Everybody's eyes were teary, swollen & red. They were all going through a lot mentally. It was not easy for them to see their dancing queen, the most caring one, one who always stood strong in everybody's downs and supported them was now in so much pain. It is difficult for all of them but the pain and emotion of Aashna & Mnv were at another level. They were just continuously crying. They were all heartbroken but others tried to gather themselves and stood up strong once again and fight this situation. When TK goes near Mnv.....

This is it for this part do let me know your honest reviews down below and next chapter soon !!

See you again super soon, Till then

Peace ✌🏻!

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