Chapter 15

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It took Ace, Nash, and Akiri about ten minutes to find me after I left. Part of that reason was because I kept getting lost. The other part was I was purposely trying to avoid them asking why I had ash and smoke in my eyes or why I passed out.

"Ash! Quit running!," Nash called after me. I blew a raspberry and stopped. I stood there for about five minutes waiting for them to catch up.

"You guys are really slow!,"I told them when they finally caught up with me.

"Why were you running away from us?,"Ace asked me as he caught his breath.

"Why not?," I asked, avoiding his question. The three boys glared at me as I squirmed, regretting my answer.

"That's not an answer!," Akiri growled and caught me off guard.

"You already know the answer!," I mumbled as Akiri crossed his arms. He looked annoyed.

"Then can you just tell me what the answer is?," Nash asked, breaking the glaring contest between Akiri and I.

"Well...last night I followed Akiri, Aki, Ace, and Aaron down this weird tunnel! Then I went up this other tunnel and ended in a field where there were humans shouting, shouting, and burning down the forest trying to catch me! I ended up falling into another tunnel and ended back here!," I babbled on as Ace and Akiri's mouths dropped at the fact I just tattled on them.

"So this is Ace, Aaron, Aki, and Akiri's fault..," Ki started to note as I stumbled back, confused where he came from. After about five minutes Ace, Aaron, Aki, and Akiri all got scolded by about every single one of my friends.

"It wasn't their fault! You know that right?," I groaned after they all finished screaming at the four boys.

That's how I made everyone mad at me instead. Ace, Gita, Nash, and I all agreed that since humans were getting closer to camp and hunting Fear Freezers no one was to leave the camp. Since I'm now banned from leaving the camp period I decided to finish my letter to Jester.

Dear Jester,

I got your letter if you didn't guess that by now. After you left our sergeant sent out all of the trainers in search parties looking for you and Blake. Jason and Mira went with one of the search parties as well. None of those search parties came back. Our sergeant got fired and elected Ace, Nash, Gita, and me to be the new leaders. Believe it or not the Fear Freezer Government approved so Ace, Nash, Gita, and I are now in charge of the whole camp! Oh! Gita is another Triple M Fear Freezer that started hanging out with us. There are also three other Triple M Fear Freezers that started to hang out with us as well. Their names are Alea, Kila, and Sugar. They are all really nice! I do really miss you but I wouldn't advise you coming back any time soon. Remember the day I got shot by humans? You know, the day you left? Well some more humans tried to shoot me again and they tried burning the whole forest down to get me. Now Ace, Gita, Nash, and I all agreed that no one should leave the camp. Hunters are getting way too close to camp! I really miss you!

-Your Sis, Ash

'Ok! Now how am I gonna mail this?,' I thought to myself. I grabbed the letter and ran out of my curtain hut. It took me a little but I eventually found Nash.

"Hey Nash! Did I ever tell you that I love you and that you're my favorite sibling?," I asked him as he eyed me oddly.

"What do you need?," He sighed as I smiled.

"Jester wrote me a letter the other day and I wanted to respond to him! I just finished the letter and was wondering if you could be the bestest brother and come with me to mail it!," I pleaded.

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