Chapter 17

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As I got up I couldn't believe my eyes. All the humans that were attacking us were on the ground bleeding to death. My uniform was stained red but I didn't mind. I was just glad that all my friends and family were safe. What confused me was what had happened. Did Jester do that? Was Jester the one who shot the humans?

"Ash! You're ok! I was sure you would be hauled away!," Ace cried as all my friends, siblings, parents, and step-parents wrapped me in a big bear hug.

"I'm fine! What happened?," I asked. Everyone looked around, indicating that they didn't know as well.

"I shot them!"

A random voice came from the edge of the woods. We all directed our attention to where the voice had come from. At first all we could see was the faint outline of someone and the front of a large gun. That changed once that someone walked out of the woods. With short black hair in a pixie cut, blue eyes, and freckles I noticed someone all too quickly.

"You! You were the human searching Jester's house!," I cried in surprise so quickly I couldn't stop my mouth.

"Who's house? You were in the house I was forced to check! Were you the one under the couch or in the closet?," the human asked as I grew red.

"Under the couch..," I mumbled as the human smiled.

"I could see some slid marks and white hair! I assume those were your stripes!," The human pointed to the white parts of my hair. My hair was in really bad braids but the braids held my hair enough so that all the human could see was my white stripes.

"Why did you shoot the humans? Aren't they your species?," I was confused. From what I could tell everyone else was more confused than I was.

"Yeah! I'm a human but I don't find it right to capture all these cool Experiment 13c's! They're awesome! Like real life aliens!," The human cried excitedly while it threw its hands up.

"Actually we are called Fear Freezers and have been on earth longer than any of the humans! So if anyone is an alien it is humans!," Akiri corrected the human. That was enough to push everyone into at least a chuckle or laugh.

"So your name is?," I asked as we crept around the woods. Jester had gotten at least five vans of Fear Freezers free and the rest of us were trying to get help so we could get the rest of the Fear Freezer species out of the labs.

"Pax! My name is Pax! What about you guys? We have a while and I believe the introductions will take up some time!," Pax pointed out. He turned out to be one of a whole organization to save the Experiment 13c or Fear Freezer species. He had just gotten about seven dozen new members in the organization. All of the Fear Freezers (and papa) had joined the organization.

"I'm Ash!," I cried as the rest continued my enthusiasm by introducing themselves. I didn't know about all of them but I was glad there were humans wanting the Fear Freezers around. Once everyone introduced themselves to Pax they talked quietly among themselves while Pax and I talked. The others didn't seem to fully trust him but from my perspective, if Pax was going to hurt me he had plenty of missed chances.

"So...Ash! What kind of Experi-I mean Fear Freezer are you? The scientists looking at your species said there were different breeds of you guys!," Pax gestured his hand at the crowd of Fear Freezers following us.

"Wait! They already know all that? Cool! I'm a Triple M Fear Freezer!," I exclaimed. I started skipping along the nature made trail we were following.

"Triple M? What's that kind of breed?," Pax asked me. He seemed pretty interested in Fear Freezers but I didn't blame him. We are pretty cool.

"It's really powerful apparently! Only around ten left of the species! We have really strong nightmares and powers! Also we have a lot more elements fueling our powers making us stronger!," I blabbed on.

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