Chapter 10

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The next two weeks we didn't have school. Everyday we just sat in the living room and watched the news broadcasts. Everyday I watched more signs of war. Everyday I hoped for it to end. Blake, Mira, Jason, Ace, Candy, Aaron, Jay, and Jonah all came over as much as they could, though Blake, Mira, and Jason came the most.

"Hey, Ash, can you help me?," I hear Jester call from the bathroom.

"Yeah, what do you need?," I ask as I walk to the bathroom door. I looked in, and he had the shower running. I was confused until I looked down at his arm. "Oh! Ew! What did you do?"

"I just took off the bandage!," as he said this, I could tell he was lying.

"What did you really do?," I asked accusingly. Where his cut was on his arm was black and seeping out some odd looking foam.

"Okay, maybe I tried to put some medicine on it...," he said trailing off. He was lying again.

"What type of medicine? Was it burnt marshmallow flavor?," I asked, not believing his excuse.

"Well...," he looked away from me. "Fine! I didn't put medicine on it!," he admitted while pouting like a child that's going to be in trouble.

"Then what did you do? I don't have time for this!," I snapped as I examined his cut. The foam looked like it was burning his skin.

"Fine then! Go away I'll take care of it!," Jester shouted at me in response as he pulled his arm away from me.

"Ok!," I cried as I headed out the door. "Wipe off the foam! It's burning your skin!," I whispered as I went back to the living room.

"Owwww!," I heard Jester scream from the bathroom. I ran to see what was going on, and when I looked in the bathroom he was passed out on the floor. The foam was spreading everywhere.

"Papa! Get a fire distinguisher! Nash! Get some towels! Something is wrong with Jester!," I shouted orders as some of my Aeeka's ran over with some towels. 'Close enough to Nash' I thought to myself as I grabbed the towels. When I wiped up the foam, the foam acted like acid. By the time papa got the fire distinguisher the foam had already burnt my arm.

"What's going on with Jes?," Jason asked as he ran into the room. "Not this again.," he said after looking at his arm.

"This again? What do you mean not this again? I'm burning my arm with foam! Jester's passed out while acid foam is seeping out of his arm and you say not this again!," I screamed at Jason.

"Yes! He did this once before! He had got a cut on her leg and a few days after getting cut he did this!," he shouted back at me.

"Then how do you stop it? If you can't tell it's really painful and Jester is getting the worst of it!,"I screamed as papa sprayed the foam.

"I don't know! Jester did it on his own!," Jason screamed as I calmed down and wrapped my arm with some of the towels I didn't use to mop up the foam. As I looked around the bathroom I saw that most of the bathroom was destroyed.

"You're paying for the renovations to the bathroom!," I ordered Jason. As I looked at the foam I saw that it was shrinking when it touched the water that was coming out of the shower. Once I realised that most of the foam was gone I stood up and walked out of the bathroom.

The T.V in the living room was on. The news was for Fear Freezers. There was a general they were interviewing.

"We will be drafting everyone we can! Peace is not an option! We must go to war!," The general was saying. I stared at the T.V for a while until I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Jester.

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