2.4 once more

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Arthur parks outside the family house slipping his sunglasses onto his head. He climbs out, surprised no one comes rushing out. He makes his way inside. "Anyone home?" He calls.

Esme appears at the top of the stairs, shock evident on her face. "You're home!"

He smiles. "Hey ma."

"You're... Here." She says, rushing down the stairs.

He pulls her into a hug, confused. "I am, yes."

"Okay... Go see your dad." She says, forcing a smile.

"Why are you trying to get rid of me? I half expected a dozen lectures from everyone." He says.

"Yes, well-"

"Esme, can you help with my sling?" Seth asks as he comes downstairs.

Arthur's eyes widen. "Seth what happened!?"

Seth freezes on the steps, his heart in his throat. "Uh..."

Arthur runs over the stairs to him, grabbing his chin to examine the bruises. "Why aren't you healing?" He asks, worried.

Seth pulls his face away and steps back. "I stopped phasing remember?" He whispers.

Esme squeezes between them and secures the sling. "Go on, breakfast is on the table." She smiles small.

Seth looks at Arthur for a moment before he walks away, taking a shaky breath. Arthur watches him go before he looks at his ma. "What happened to him? Who did this?"

"Paul." She says quietly. "But Seth provoked him. Let him."

Arthur's eyebrows shoot up. "Why!"

"Because whatever happened to make him come home really got to him!" Esme bursts. "What happened, Arthur? You guys were joined at the hip and all of a sudden he comes home and has no will to live." Esme demands.

Arthur frowns and looks down for a moment. "We argued." He says simply. He doesn't want her to know if she doesn't already. Who does know? He'll have to find out. "Let me go talk to him-"

"He's gone. I just heard him go out back." Esme sighs.

Arthur runs out past her, following the way he thinks Seth would have gone. "Seth!" He calls.

"Go away Arthur." Seth mutters, walking faster.

Arthur catches up and blocks the path. "Don't do this. Talk to me." He begs.

"I tried! And you fucked a girl right after! You've made it clear-"

"I didn't fuck her." Arthur sighs. "I couldn't... Yknow... Get it up." He blushes. "I was too busy thinking about what you said."

"You still wanted to, Arthur, it doesn't matter if you didn't actually do it." Seth snaps, glaring.

"Look, you dropped a bombshell on me!" Arthur throws his hands up, running one through his messy hair. "You told me you love me."

"I take it back." Seth looks at the ground.

"No you don't." Arthur smiles small. "It was a shock, okay? I thought getting with Lucy would make me forget it, convince me I didn't like what you said." He admits.

Seth looks at him in shock. "You... Liked it?"

Arthur rubs his neck. "I don't know, I guess. Look, I'm not gay-"

"Then there's no point discussing-"

"Shut up." Arthur orders. "I'm not gay but you make me question that. But this is so confusing to me, Seth, because above everything else you're my best friend. You'd be the one I'd go to to talk this through but I can't. And I've just got out of a pretty messed up relationship with a girl. I've never been with a guy. I don't know what to do or how to handle this. It's a lot. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. Please, give me a chance." He pleads.

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