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"I swear to god I'll hurt you." Arthur warns Seth as he stands around the island, a wet dish towel twisted in his hands.

"What? I'm not doing anything baby." He says, twirling the towel.

Arthur points as be glares. "Seth. You are so fucking predictable, don't make me slap you."

"I like slapping." He winks, lunging round the island and whipping Arthur.

"Ah fuck!!" Arthur yells as it hits his bare thigh, his pyjama shorts not that long. "Asshole!" He yells, grabbing the dish bowl full of water. He tips it over Seth and drops the empty bowl on his head,running.

Seth gasps. "Oh it. Is. On." He says, racing after Arthur.

"Hey hey hey I'm hurt which means I'm slower and so you have to be slower to make it fair!" Arthur smirks, moving so the couch is between the two of them.

Seth pushes wet hair from his eyes. "I do? That doesn't sound right." He says, inching left.

Arthur moves the same distance to the left as well. "Baby... think about it... no sex." He warns.

"You'd never last." Seth smirks.

Arthur slowly reaches for one of the throw cushions. "I'm sure I'll managed." He holds it close, ready to throw it.

Seth goes to say something when he stops, looking to the right as Chev comes down tbe hallway slowly. "Hey kid. Did we wake you?"

Chevy looks at them shyly. "No." He whispers.

Arthur throws the cushion back on the couch. "Here, come make yourself comfortable. Don't go in the kitchen right now. Someone spilt some water."

"Someone?" Seth raises an eyebrow, motioning to his soaked tshirt. "Someone?"

Arthur grins. "Uh huh. Total accident." He shrugs, slowly walking to the kitchen to clean it up.

Seth shakes his head with a smile before he looks at Chevy. "You okay, kid?"

"Fantastic." He mutters sarcastically as he sits on the edge of the couch.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask." Seth says, tying his hair back.

Chevy nods as he watches, silent for a moment. "Is hair not an issue for your pack? Like, you don't need to cut it to keep up with your wolf fur?"

"Oh no we do, it's a pain in the ass." Seth says, sitting on the arm of the couch that's away from Chevy. "I stopped phasing a year or two ago at this point so I grew it out."

"You... stopped phasing?" Chevy frowns before his eyebrows shoot up. "That's a thing?" Seth nods, playing with the rope bracelet he wears. "You don't have to be really old and experienced?"

Seth laughs. "No. I'm only 21. I started phasing when I was 14. I stopped when I was 19ish." He shrugs.

Chevy is evidently shocked. "Woah." He whispers. "Do you, like, just stopped?"

"Not at all." He shakes his head. "It took a lot of practice. Each time I went a while without phasing was a win. I'd manage a few weeks at a time. But I wanted it - I needed it. I needed to be me and so I just kept doing it. And somehow I made it to a year. I feel more human but not like Arthur or other humans. I'm still strong, relatively fast. I heal quicker but still slower than my brothers." He shrugs. "Healing isn't a thing in your pack, no?"

Chevy shakes his head, looking down at his bandaged ankle. "No. I guess we're fast but it'll still take take few weeks, maybe 2? Then I'll be totally normal."

"See, it would take me like 2 weeks now. If I were phasing? A day, tops." Seth grins smugly. "Cool, huh?"

"You totally ruined being a wolf for me." Chevy teases a little.

The Human Cullen 2.0 | s.clearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now