2.8 to hell with you

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Seth follows behind Arthur, staying back as he hesitates. "Wait..."

Arthur stops, his hand on the front door to his family's home. "What?"

Seth looks at him. "Are you sure?" He says, frowning.

"Seriously? You ask this now?" He laughs nervously. "Yes I am sure, come on before I chicken out." He holds his hand out to his boyfriend. Boyfriend. I could get used to saying that.

Edward's fingers stumble over the piano keys creating an awful noise. Bella looks up from her phone. "Edward?" She raises an eyebrow.

He shakes his head, a huge smile on his face as he looks at the doorway. His son rolls his eyes as he and Seth walk in, stopping opposite the piano. "I don't suppose you didn't hear that?"

"Oh I absolutely heard! Congrats son." He grins, standing.

Bella walks over and smiles. "Congrats? On what?"

Arthur clears his throat and he and Seth share a look before they take each others hands. Arthur looks at Bella as her eyebrows shoot up before she smiles wide. "My son is gay?! Yes!" She cheers.

Arthur laughs nervously and blushes. "Surprise." He shrugs. "Guys?" He calls. "I'm gay!"

The living room is suddenly full of his family, Alice already squealing in his face as she pulls Seth and Arthur into a hug. Esme is overjoyed that the two made up while, being the old-fashioned men they are, Emmett and Jasper are unsure of how to react. They aren't against it, not at all, but it's not something they're used to.

Seth leans against Arthur. "It doesn't change anything, we'll just probably kiss a bit."

"And hold hands." Arthur says, swinging their entwined hands. "And maybe sh-"

"Yep, got it." Edward says, rolling his eyes, as Seth shoves Arthur to shut him up.

The boy grins. "So I got a question - who's got the keys to my house?"

"You seriously want to go back there?" Rose demands, suddenly angry as they all go silent.

"Why not?" Seth raises an eyebrow. "We can redecorate."

"She tried to kill you in that house." Esme whispers, a hand on her still heart as she cringes at the memory - her eidetic, superhuman memory refuses to let her forget that, or the images of her grandson dying in the hospital.

Arthur shrugs small. "So? Like Seth said, we can redecorate. It's my home, I want to go back."

"You have a home here." Rose snaps. "Come on, stop being stupid. Choosing to be gay is a big enough decision for this next year-"

Seth glares. "Back the fuck up, blondie. Choosing to be gay? You think he chose to be?"

Rosalie is quiet for a moment. "I didn't exactly mean it that way but in a way, yes. He chose to be with you so he's choosing to be gay."

Seth steps forward a little, Edward instantly stepping in front of him. Seth looks around him, glaring at Rose. "He didn't choose to be gay, you fucking idiot." He snaps. "I don't care when you were born or how you were raised, you need to get it into your empty head that being gay isn't a choice!"

"Down, mutt." Emmett snaps, stepping in his eye line. "I'm with Rose - he wasn't gay until he met you."

"Seth!" Arthur yells as Seth growls deeply, his wolf itching to make an entrance as his form shakes uncontrollably.

"Go and educate yourselves you picks!" Seth yells, pushing against Edward. Edward pushes him out of the house as he growls and swears.

Arthur turns to his family, his eyes hurt. "I didn't choose to be gay. I've been fucking terrified to admit it but a part of me always knew. Heck, I'm not entirely gay but I'm not straight. Ya'll have always been so... With the times but now I can see you're not. Like Seth said, I don't care when you were raised, you live in the 21st century and a lot of fucking people are gay. I like boys. I like girls... I love Seth." He whispers, walking away.

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