2.14 wolfing about

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Arthur lays still for a moment, stunned. The world seems slow around him before it suddenly hits him what happened, everything in focus and loud in his ears. He coughs hard, winded from the fall and now scared of what will happen. He cranes his neck a little to see how far he fell - that's gotta be like 20 feet! He can't climb that, not with how winded he is and the snow and everything else. He's suddenly very aware of the snow, so cold and wet beneath him.

He tries to sit up but his body aches and protests. "Shit." He groans, squeezing his eyes shut. He wiggles his toes and fingers to make sure nothing is broken. Good. Okay... you're probably just shocked. Give it a moment and you'll get up. Get your phone out and call Seth.

He taps his pockets and grabs his phone, yelling in annoyance when he sees it all smashed and broken. "Oh cmon!!!"

He covers his face as he tears, a mix of anger and annoyance as well as fear overwhelming him. After a moment he takes a deep breath and forces himself to sit up, yelling in pain as his delicate bruised back clicks in several places. "Okay... you're up. Get yourself to the tree." He whispers as he pants.

A loud twig snapping makes him jump. He looks over his shoulder, squinting against the sunlight peaking through the trees for a moment until its blocked by a figure. "You!" He gasps, locking eyes with the wolf.

It looks at Arthur for a moment before it's black eyes look him over, examining him for injury. It then moves closer, grabbing his hood in its teeth. "Hey! What're you doing!" Arthur protests as he's dragged by the wolf.

It simply growls at him as it drags him, pulling him along. Arthur tries to look around, suddenly realising it's pulling him to its den. "Hey hey no I need to get my boyfriend or someone!" He says, leaning on the tree the wolf releases him by. "Cmon!" He sighs.

The den is beneath a large fallen tree; it's old, enough layers of dirt and leaves and moss over it to provide proper shelter. And some warmth from the icy snow and wind. Arthur looks around before looking back at the wolf, which is now laying beside the small opening to stop the cold air entering.

"You're... protecting me." Arthur realises. The wolf turns to look at him, its head rested on its paws. "Are you... human?" He asks after a moment. It nods once. "That's why you're attracted here isn't it? You're like my boyfriends pack." It nods again. "Oh my god." Arthur whispers.

The wolf turns its head away, no longer interested. Arthur leans his head back. "Why won't you phase?" Arthur asks. "Get your anger under control and phase." He demands.

The wolf snarls at him but doesn't look over. "Coward." Arthur huffs, closing his eyes. He lays on his side and curls up, trying to stop the shivers that begin to wrack his body. He flinches in surprise as he feels something beside him, opening his eyes to see the wolf. It still refuses to look at him but lays beside Arthur. "Thanks." He mutters, closing his eyes again.

He ends up falling asleep, waking who knows how long later. He finds himself along, only shivering slightly as he sits up slowly. He sees the small entry way is half covered by the snow and its almost dark out now - how long has he been here? He manages to pull himself to stand, holding his breath as he feels the pain all over. He goes to take a step but almost falls as his left ankle gives out. "Shit!" He cusses; he must've hurt it. It doesn't feel broken but it doesn't feel okay.

He likes his way out of the small den and looks around, no idea how far he is from the road. He takes small steps, moving from tree to tree for support. "HES HERE!" He hears someone call before Bella is in front of him.

"Took your time." He mutters.

Bella wraps an arm around him. "I got you, you're okay."

He leans on her and sighs as he takes weight off his ankle. "Where's-"

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