2.6 burned at both ends

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Arthur waits nervously, watching the clock tick by. His leg bounces nervously and he looks around, his heart in his throat. The words the doctor said as he was briefed on Holly ring through his head.

'Miss Mathers is a delusional schizophrenic with strong beliefs in the supernatural, being heavily fixated in vampires being set on destroying her. While we have managed to get her settled in the few months she's been here, there is very little chance she'll live a life outside of facilities. Your visit today is not only for her benefit, but for yours too. Closure for you, a hit of reality for her. Try not to over excite her and refrain from touching her - she believes she is being kept from you.'.

That's a lot to process. And he feels a little bit guilty she's being punished for telling the truth - the vampires aren't set in destroying her (minus Rosalie) but they are real which the doctor doesn't realise. Was he too blind to see how sick she really was?

"Mr Cullen?" a voice calls.

He leaps from his seat and rushes over, shaking his head clear if the thoughts. "That's me."

"This way. You left everything in the locker, yes?" The man asks as he scans his card to open the gate.

Arthur nods as he follows him. "Everything, watch included."

The man checks Arthur's shoe laces have been removed, does one last pat down and nods. "Alright. You've got 30 minutes with Miss Mathers. The door will remain open and I shall be right here if you need anything."

Arthur nods shakily and looks as he unlocks the door. He motions Arthur in, the boy slowly walking into the room; it's nicer than his cell was, but I guess that's what crazy people get. The walls are a beige colour, the bed is a basic metal frame. There's a hard, lumpy looking couch on the far wall and Holly stands looking out of the window.

She wears the faded grey pyjamas all the patients wear, crocs in her feet. She instantly looks over and Arthur can see how tired she is. Her face lights up as she sees him. "Arthur!" She breathes.

He slips his hands in his pockets and nods as he looks a his lace less shoes. "Hi." Is all he manages to say.

Holly stares at him with a big smile. "You came back for me..."

He shakes his head and looks up at her for a moment. "No, no I didn't... I came to ask you one thing."

"Sit, please." Holly asks as she moves to the couch, patting the space beside her.

Arthur shakes his head and moves across the room sitting opposite her, perched in the edge of the bed. "Holly, I need to ask you one thing." He says more forcefully.

"Okay, babe, ask away." She says.

He cringes at the word babe. I want Seth to call me that, his subconscious says. He looks at her again. "Why?"

Holly's breath catches in her throat. "Why? Why what?"

"Don't play dumb. Why did you do it?" He snaps.

"I-I didn't mean to! You were going to leave me. We had everything and you were going to leave me for someone else!" She whispers, shaking. "I couldn't let that happen!"

Arthur glares. "Why would you even think that? I gave you everything, I let you into every part of my life, every little secret." He snaps.

"You were drifting. You-you were out with Seth a lot and I know you found someone else, don't lie!" She yells.

"Seth is my best friend." He snaps. Was. I just fucked that up again. "And you know all we did was ride bikes, work out, hang out. I'd never so much as look at another girl. You were my everything Holly. You beat yourself up and blamed my dad. You tried to kill me and then got rid of my body. I wasn't dead. Do you know what that felt like?" He tears. "I woke up in the ocean, freezing cold. Bleeding. Hurting. I couldn't breathe!" His breath catches in his throat and he leans his head back to take a few deep breaths. "You did that to me."

The Human Cullen 2.0 | s.clearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now