Chapter 6: Emeraled Forest

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Yang was sitting on Blake's bed holding Y/N close to her as Blake sat next to her as Weiss sat on her bed and with them was team JNPR

Jaune: So let me get this straight. The cult was there kidnapped Yang and Y/N and Y/N transformed into a giant lizard.

Weiss: Yes that's exactly what happened.

Blake: And he's powerful too. We heard his roar a Mille away.

Yang: Not only that but he was able to take out most of the cult like it was nothing.

Nora: Wow so glade he's on our side.

Pyrrha: Is he going to be ok?

Yang: Yeah Doctor Oobleck said that he'll be fine it's just he's not used to transforming into his Titan form.

Ren: As long as he's ok there's no need to panic.

Y/N was in a Lake swimming around when  dorsal Finns appeared right next to him Y/N dove under water to see his father who nods at him. Y/N and F/N both get out of the water.

F/N: You really like being in the water now huh?
Y/N nodded happily

Y/N: Daddy.

F/N: Yes son.

Y/N: How come your on the news sometimes.
F/N sighs.

F/N: Well you see son there are Titans like us who want to live in harmony with the humans and others Faunus that are different from us. But there are some who want to see all of life destroyed.

Y/N: (Gasp) Oh no why!?

F/N: Because there are some who sees humanity and Faunus who are Titans no more the bugs that need to be destroyed and there are some who want to see the world burn. But that why I am here. To stop those Titans from doing that.

Y/N: Wow that's so cool! Do you think I can do that?

F/N: Yes but it's a very dangerous job Son. We are not invincible. there are Titans out there that can defeat us. Even kill if there strong enough.
Y/N gets a little scared.

F/N: But that's why we can't be cocky with our power. If you want to be a true defender never underestimate your opponent and never overestimate yourself do you understand my son.

Y/N: Yes Daddy.

F/N: Good.

M/N: Gojira Y/N I made dinner!

F/N: Welp looks like it's time for dinner.

Y/N and F/N both get out of the water.

Y/N: What's this forest called again?

F/N: (Chuckles) Emerald Forest Son. Emerald  Forest Son.

Y/N Growns and moves a little bit Then his eyes open he looks up to see Yang.

Yang: Rise and sine sleepyhead.
Y/N looks around to see Team JNPR and WBY.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Nora: Hey there sweetness it's good to see your awake.

Jaune: From what they are telling us you are very strong.

Y/N: What?
Y/N then remembers what Jaune was talking about.

Y/N: Oh when I transformed right. That was my first time do it.

Yang: Well you did amazing for a first time.
Y/N smiles then looks out the window Yang noticed it and decided to ask.

Yang: What's on your mind?

Y/N: I need to go to the Emerald Forest.

Everyone was shocked to hear Y/N say that.

Yang's Little Titan (RWBY x Male child Godzilla Reader)Where stories live. Discover now