Chapter 9: Family

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The cult were all in the tundra surrounding a certain area Glynda walks in.

Glynda: Is everything ready.

Cult member 4: Yes high leader we are ready to free him.

Glynda: Let us begin.

Back in the military boat all the civilians were in the boat covered in blankets Y/N looks at everyone feeling really sad. Yang then kneeled to get to Y/N level.

Yang: You ok?

Y/N: Yeah I just feel so bad for them. There homes were destroyed and got hurt. I want to protect them as much as I can.
Yang smiles and kisses his cheek.

Yang: But Baby look at how many people you saved from defeating those monsters.
Yang then points to where all the survivors are.

Yang: If you hadn't came a lot more people would have died and that's what I'm starting to realize.
Y/N looks at Yang and as a big smile on his face.

Yang: Your ready to fight I was just. So protective of you because I didn't want to lose you like I did my sister... I love you.
Y/N hugs Yang and Yang hugs back.

Y/N: I love you too mommy.
Blake walks towards them and smiles.

Blake: Hey guys So we need to meet up again.

Yang: Alright so want come walk me there big guy.

Y/N: Yeah!
Y/N takes Yangs hand Blake smiles but to her surprise Y/N offered his hand to her she smiles and takes his hand and they start walking together they finally made it.

Yang: Alright mommy is going to be there for awhile ok.

Y/N: Alright.
Y/N says it with a big smile.

Yang: Good boy. (Kisses his cheek) Go.
Y/N walks off stretching his arms then 3 kids that are younger then him started to surround him. Asking him man questions and asking him if he could use his atomic breath. Y/N said no but told them he could use another one shooting small little circles makings the kids smile they grab his hands and drag him somewhere Yang couldn't help but smile.

Blake: He's truly something.

Yang: Yeah I know. I'm so proud of him he went from being a small fragile kid too becoming one of the strongest people I ever met.

Blake: Yeah he changed for the better and it's official we can say that you've been helping him to become the man is.
Yang smiles before grabbing Blake's hand.

Yang: Hey don't count your self out you helped too. You Weiss everyone.
Blake smiles Yang then puts her hand on Blake's cheek Blake cheeks gets all red as Yang leans towards Blake face but the door opens and they stop immediately.

Ironwood: Yang Blake please come in.
They walk in to see an elderly man standing in front of them.

Blake: Oh hello um

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Blake: Oh hello um.

Yang: Mind telling us who you are.

Ironwood: This is Commander Stenz he will be helping us during the battles against the Titans but back on topic we need to find a place for all these civilians.

Jaune: But there safe here aren't they?

Ironwood: Yes but anything could happen. A Titan could come out of the water and attack us or one comes from the sky but the main factor is that the people here will be endangered we need to get them in a place we're they are far from trouble.
Jaune started to think but finally got an idea.

Jaune: Wait um I might have an idea but in order for this to work G/N needs to agree.
G/N looks at Jaune.

G/N: Why me?

Jaune: Well everyone saw how big your cave is it's big enough to fit everyone and even more.
G/N sighs.

Yang: Well you've hade humans in the cave before haven't you?

G/N: Yes but there usually from the forest. It's hard to trust people from the kingdoms especially since my son was killed by that cult... But you and everyone here protected and cared for my Grandson so I'll make an exception. But with one condition.

Jaune: You name it.

G/N: Only team WBY JNPR Y/N and the civilians come with me in our home. the rest of the military stays here.

Stenz: There might be danger.

G/N: Other then the Kaijus there's nothing that can really put us in danger.

Stenz: I still think that one of our men should go just in case.

G/N: In case what to know our location. You don't think I know how your government works. If you're high leader told you that we needed to be exterminated you would try to find our home and destroy it.
G/N and Stenz glare at each other.

Ironwood: Enough!
Everyone looks at Ironwood.

Ironwood: G/N you have every right not to be trust us and I know your going by past experience so I won't try and fight it. Having our men with you dosen't matter it's the people who matter Now let's get to work.
Everyone walked out to the office Yang and Blake walk out to see Y/N shooting his atomic breath in the air the kids around him all cheered and Clapped for him Y/N stoped as he saw Yang he ran towards her and jumped at her Yang caught him and they hugged each other.

Y/N: Mommy!

Yang: Missed me already?
Y/N nodded his head Y/N put his arm out for Blake to join then she dose And Y/N hugs her still in Yangs arms then releases the hug.

Female Soldier: Awww you guys look cute are you all a family.
Yang and Blake face turn red.

Y/N: Yup. (Points at Yang) This is my mommy. (Points at Blake) and this is my Mama.
Blake face turns red again her cat ears flattened and looks at Y/N.

Blake: Y/N!

Female soldier: Have you ever hade a family photo?

Yang: Um no we haven't.

Female soldier: Well how about you take your first picture huh.

Blake: I don't know.

Y/N: Come on pleaaaaaaase.
Y/N gives Blake the puppy dog eyes Blake try's to resist but couldn't.

Blake: Alright fine.

Y/N: Yay!
Blake stands next to Yang the Soldier takes out her camera and all three look at it.

Female soldier: Smile for the camera.
All three smile and the soldier takes the picture.

Female Soldier: Got it I'll print out do you guys and put it on the frame.
She walks away and Y/N smiles very happy about the picture they took but then he sense another Kaiju Y/N looked at Yang she put him down and nodded Y/N smiles and jumps off the boat and into the water Then a large dorsal Finn appears and starts swimming away.

Blake: So Yang is he my son?

Yang: Yup which means you have another roll.

Blake: Huh?
Yang then grabs her and kisses Blake in the lips  Blake closes her eyes as they kiss then they finally leaned back.

Yang: So are we.

Blake: Yes we are. I love you.

Yang: I love you too.

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