Chapter 2

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--Few days later(Georges POV)--
I was out in the town looking for Sapnaps "girlfriend" who has been cheating on Snapmap. How'd I find out? I caught someone kissing her that was not Sapnap. I've been following her and the guy she's cheating on Sapnap with and took some pictures that I secretly put in  Sapnaps locker along with a letter with my number telling him "dont confront tell her and just believe me". My plan was to get him to walk in and see for him self so that they'll brake up and I can kill her and the guy.

I finally find where they are. Their at a restaurant a 10 minute drive from Sapnaps house. I text him

'hey come to Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria'
(a/n that's all I could think of)
'ok? Why?'
'ur gf is on a date with some guy. Ill show You the a pic'

I take a picture of her and him through the window. Also if your wondering how I got here I know parkour so yeah. I send the picture of them to Sapnap and he immediately text back
With a million angry emojis. I texted back
'hurry sweetheart!'
'I'm not your sweetheart dude'
'ouch that hurt me!'
'stfu I'm down the street'
'okay. We will meet in person one day sweetheart'

A few moments later he arrived. I was standing by the window outside but he never noticed me which I'm glad for.

**Sapnaps POV a bit earlier**
That dude who told me Lindy was cheating texted me the places and I was mad. He called me sweetheart which made me blush(cause im bi and maybe poly). I called Dream and told him about it. Of course he had to tease me about it and called me 'baby boy' which did get me flustered to be honest.

I my car and sped to the pizzeria got out and sped past some dude who was short with brown hair and looked a bit cute but that wasn't my main focus. I ran in and saw them at a table...kissing. I walked over and slamed my fist on the table and said.

"Excuse me babe but who's this?" they both turned and looked at me. He looked confused as hell and she looked horrified

"Im her boyfriend" he said to me. I pulled out my phone to show pictures of me and her together. He looked at her in disgust

"YOU SAID YOU WERE FUCKING SINGLE! WERE DONE" He walked past me and she looked at me pleading for forgiveness but I flipped her off told her we're done and walked out past that guy and I heard him say...

"Told ya we will meet sweetheart. We'll meet again...soon tell Dreamsy I said hi" and he vanished before I could turn and see so I followed him but didn't find him...strange. I walked to the car and went to Dreams to explain stuff. Such an interesting night.

Its the last day of school also Ranboo graduated so that's cool! Anyways hope you enjoyed and remember its ok to not be ok..ok? Listen to jack stauber when your sad really makes me feel nostalgic and like I'm drifting away.

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